View Full Version : More Plane Questions

Stanley Thigpen
02-16-2016, 2:32 PM
I have recently developed an interest in hand tool woodworking. As the result of this I have started taking a closer look at the numerous antique tools which I have collected over the years. I plan to sharpen and tune up some of the hand planes and learn to properly use them. One of the items which has hung on my peg (with a price tag of $3) is what appears to be a knock-off of Stanley 48, tongue and groove plane. There is no marking on the body of the plane, but both of the irons are marked “Fulton”. Is it likely that this is a plane manufactured by the Fulton Tool Co?

Along similar lines, I am attaching photos of a Randall & Cook. Does anyone know during what time period this company was making these tools? How is the best way to sharpen this type of iron? The iron, by the way is marked what appears to be “Weash & Co.

Thanks for any information. (Ignore the coffin plane images, they were an accident.)

Jim Koepke
02-16-2016, 3:31 PM
The iron on what looks to be a side beading plane is sharpened with what is called a slip stone.

They are available in natural oil or synthetic water stones.


george wilson
02-16-2016, 3:43 PM
The shape of the wedge on the beading plane indicates ate 19th. C..

Glen Canaday
02-16-2016, 6:04 PM
Fulton was a Sears brand from the late 1890s until about WWII. Planes with that name were made primarily by Sargent, with Millers Falls a late second. United Hardware got the conrltract in 1925 only, and some have said Stanley was in on it but I've seen no conclusive proof.

I can't see the photos on my phone or I would be able to tell you who made it. When I log in from my computer I'll chime back in if someone else doesn't beat me to it.