View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments...

Dennis Peacock
09-12-2005, 8:34 AM
Well, another weekend has come and gone. Wonderful temps here at night compared to the 100+ degree temps we had prior to now. Still no rain here and trees are dropping their leave due to the lack of water and my yard is nice and brown. Oh well, I hope for rain soon......

Anyway, spent a good bit of time in the shop this weekend. Had to drive up to Atkins and buy more wood for these cabinets that I'm working on for our church. I'm sure glad this one is a paying project.! Got some Alder that looks a lot like the Birch I got from Hogan hardwood. Mark Cothren and I took off from work on Friday and went to Atkins to pay my buddy Vic a visit and pick up the wood needed by Joe Meazle, Zahid Naqvi, and myself. All I got was poplar for the drawer boxes and the alder for the door frames. Got some QSRO for Joe Meazle and Zahid got some Cherry and Hard Maple.

Spent Saturday working on milling the lumber for the door frames and milling the poplar for the drawer boxes. So......I'll post pic updates later this week on my cabinet progress.

Sunday was church and I was scheduled for play bass guitar this Sunday so it was a long day for us.

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.....

<font size=+2 color="blue"><b>The Central States BBQ is this coming Friday, Saturday and Sunday!!!!!!</b></font>
<a href='http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008_ZNxmk311BBUS' target='_blank'><img src='http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_72.gif' border=0></a>

Corey Hallagan
09-12-2005, 8:42 AM
It was a good Saturday, lots of football and racing this weekend. Yesterday was able to get pieces cut for a box joint jig and some various push blocks I am building. Good weekend!


John Miliunas
09-12-2005, 8:59 AM
Busy weekend, though not nearly as fun as my last weekend!:D Working on a little project for the LOML. Got the bottom half of it done over the weekend, as well as the bulk of the material prepped for the top half. Got the rest of the grass cut, visited with my best buddy, watched a little football and started going through some of my recent digital photos to touch up and organize. Hope everyone has a super week!:) :cool:

Paul Canaris
09-12-2005, 9:00 AM
More bathroom tiling.:(

Building a lumber rack for workshop.:p

Steve Ash
09-12-2005, 9:01 AM
Nothing wood related....went with my Dad to Columbia City Indiana to get some parts for my 1944 John Deere B I'm restoring....anytime I can spend some time with my Dad (80 years old) is a big plus. And then a Amish auction sale.My wife bought to much "antiques/junk" :D

Steve Ash
09-12-2005, 9:05 AM
watched a little football
You must have been watching the Packers too, cause that's what they were playing...just a little football!

Jeff Sudmeier
09-12-2005, 9:19 AM
I finished the last of the SUPER SECRET projects this weekend and delivered them to the customer. As soon as I get the okay, I will be sure to post pics for you all! :)

Watched the packers for all of about 5 minutes.

Frank Pellow
09-12-2005, 9:37 AM
Attended my neice's wedding in London Ontario Friday night then three different family gathering both in London and in Toronto on Sataurday and Sunday.

And, I also found the time to remove the eavestroughs from my house in preparation for re-shingling, painting, then installing new eavestroughs over the next two weeks.

Jim Hager
09-12-2005, 9:57 AM
I picked up an order for 60 paint grade raised panel doors and 26 drawer headers on Friday afternoon. I knew it was on the way so I ordered and took delivery of the materials on Friday morning. My helper and I turned out every one of them on Saturday. Those MDF panels sure make it easy!!! Frames and drawer headers were made of poplar. We finished assembly and edges by Saturday evening and I sanded them all yesterday morning and delivered them yesterday afternoon.

I was thinking that I might be able to make the BBQ next weekend but as soon as I sat down Saturday evening another contractor walked in the shop with an order of 27 red oak rp doors and 18 drawer headers. I doubt if I get much of a chance to do anything with them this week because of so much stuff going on at school. We have a field trip tomorrow evening and the N.E. Arkansas district fair kicks off next week. Some of my students are showing livestock over there and I'll be out with them this week too.

I've also got a big kitchen going that I need to get back to.

I did order a Festool 150/5 sander and CT mini from Bob Marino that I should get this week. Bob called last night and we had a good visit about all of our projects. I'm sure anxious to get that sander and vac going. I had a tremendous amount of dust in the shop yesterday after sanding all those doors and drawer fronts. I was covered up and looked several years older:D

Scott Coffelt
09-12-2005, 10:01 AM
I added a head to my sprinkler system, ran some under ground low voltage wiring for some exterior landscaping lights, installed some crown molding for a clients kitchen remodel.

Watched some college and NFL football.

Enjoyed a nice evening eating out with friends Saturday night.

Also, recovered from a virus all weekend as I was home sick on Friday.

Russell Svenningsen
09-12-2005, 10:09 AM
I finished the bed I had been building for the LOML and myself. Sanding, sanding and more sanding. Got it dyed and shellac applied on Saturday, in the house by that evening. The LOML is "over the moon"! I am taking pics tonight and will post them as soon as I have them.

On a more troublesome note, I spent Sunday afternoon cleaning the garage and did the fall run-up/tune-up of the snowblower............... :( Snow will be here before too long. Oi.


Jim O'Dell
09-12-2005, 10:12 AM
I spent all day Saturday playing plumber for a friend. All the copper lines were leaking, all the drains were leaking, dishwasher drain tube disentegrated and leaking, and the tube for the dishwasher up to the top arm was broken. Faucets at the washer machine were both leaking.
Sunday I had to change out my own disposal. I'm bruised and I'm sore. Jim.

Steve Clardy
09-12-2005, 10:30 AM
Spent all weekend working on kitchen cabinet job in the shop. Trying to get ahead enough I can take two days off for the CSBS at Terry's. Have the upper frig box to buils and finish today. All the boxes will be ready to install tomorrow and the counter top.

So Arkansas. Look out FRIDAY!! I'm a coming!!!

Steve Knowlton
09-12-2005, 10:35 AM
Had A Long Weekend. Had To Help Set Our Our Booth Sat.morning For A Festival About 40 Min. Away. Went Home And Grouted In The Bathroom Tile. What A Pain. Sun. Went To Church. Youngest Son Had Punt, Pass, & Kick. He Won His Age Group. Now We Go To The Next Level. Then Had To Go Back To The Festival To Bring The Club Stuff Home. Had To Unload By Myself. Everyone Else Was To Busy. It Sure Is Great To Be The Youngest Member Of A Club. Waqtched A Little Of A Great Gaame Sun. Go Lions.

Mike Weaver
09-12-2005, 10:41 AM
As the title says - I never went near the shop, but it was a great weekend.

Saturday, I attended Cub Scout BALOO (Basic Adult leader Outdoor Orientation) training - it was an all day event. Quite fun & I learned a good deal about planning Cub Scout camping.

I'm a new Cubmaster of a new Pack...

Saturday night, the family camped out in our back yard. (2nd weekend in a row).

Yesterday, it was church, lunch & then my son's 1st soccer game of the season. His team didn't fare too well, but he had fun & played well.

Afterward, it was time t rush home and prepare for the Pack's 1st Committee Meeting.

Dinner & aforementioned Committee Meeting (2hrs...they will get shorter - at least it was at our house :D).

So, no WW, but Fun.


Jim Becker
09-12-2005, 10:52 AM
Busy weekend, both in the shop and in the house...raised the girls' beds (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=24076) for better storage opportunities, installed new lighting near the beds as well as an Arc Fault Breaker for the circuit in their room and built a nice vanity/table (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=24080) to go on the wall between the beds. Since Dr. SWMBO jetted off to Bean-town for a conference on Sunday, I "stayed late" in the shop to complete the table.

DVD of the week was The Notebook, an excellent film. If you get this DVD, be sure to watch the extra features. Very interesting.

Don Baer
09-12-2005, 11:47 AM
Not much woodworking just a weekend of honey-do's
I painted some trim around a new sliding window my son and I installed a while back. Patched up the stuco around the plant shelf I rebuilt last weekend and painted it. I did get a new face plate made for the lathe and preped a piece of tiger maple that I plan on turning this week.

Lee DeRaud
09-12-2005, 12:18 PM
No woodworking to speak of, except in the "design center" between my ears...

Spent way too much time watching tennis: my favorite "old fart" Andre Agassi (he's about 70 in "tennis years":p) almost pulled it off.

Kurt Aebi
09-12-2005, 2:03 PM
Assembled and tested my new 14" Bandsaw. RIDGID P/N: 14002 14" bandsaw. I cut a bowl blank from a 5" thick piece of tulip poplar (nice mineral staining throughout - does have checks to contend with) and resawed an apple branch for my wife, it came from her grandfather's apple tree and she wants to make some magnets in the shape of Vermont with them. (~ 3/16" thick). The saw handled both tasks rather well, even with the factory guides and blade (both of which, I intend to upgrade).

Overall, not a bad saw at all and with the lifetime parts & service from RIDGID, I couldn't see spending over double the amount for a JET or DELTA. Grizzly would have been my next choice.

Dug the post holes for a "Pole-Barn or equipment shed" style open front addition to the garden shed out in the back corner of my lot. I dug 5 post holes 2 ft. deep and took just about all afternoon Sunday doing it. In my younger days - it would have taken about an hour to do those 5 holes and I wouldn't feel like I do today, either!!! Thanks the lord for Ibuprofin!!!

Keith Foster
09-12-2005, 4:42 PM
Spent the day Saturday working in the garage and waiting for Overnite to make their delivery. They failed to impress again - didn't show - didn't call - 2nd weekend in a row. :cool:

So, needing a good diversion for a mass of fustration I decided it was time to unload the Grizzly Cyclone from it's cave (large box in middle of garage- did I mention it was in the way of everything). Did some shelf moving and got the Cyclone positioned in its corner. Garage is now servicable! Which is a major accomplishment. Had no idea I had that much room! :p

Vaughn McMillan
09-12-2005, 5:07 PM
Didn't get much shop time in this weekend, but I did do a few prototype pieces for some box ideas that have been rattling around my head.

Spent most of Saturday at the LA County Fair with LOML. To her, the Fair is a bigger event than Christmas. (She called me at the office Friday to wish me a "Happy Fair Eve".) :)

Sunday was mostly spent doing house chores and offce work I brought home for the weekend.

Dale Rodabaugh
09-12-2005, 5:27 PM
:) After reading a post awhile back about finishing the top of workbenches,I decided to redo mine.Took the belt sander to the top and applied a coat of Tung Oil.Went out this afternoon and put on coat no.2.It aint lookin too bad.Left some of the old stains and scars there to give it a little character.A couple more coats and it should really shine.Next step in woodshed is to sand the top of the outfeed table for my tablesaw and wax it.I got both ideas from the good old Sawmill Creek sight.I check this sight out every day and always find at least one good idea.:) :rolleyes: :cool:

Fred Voorhees
09-12-2005, 8:02 PM
Not a ton of time in the shop this weekend. Most of the two days were spent sprucing up the camper for the impending vacation trip to Syracuse, NY in a few weeks. Went to the camping supply store in the morning on Saturday and the used up most of the day washing and waxing the exterior. Finished the day off by power washing the roof of the camper in perparation for Sundays work.

Saturday night it was into the bar room with a bunch of racing buddies to watch the ten candidates for the Chase for the Cup in NASCAR racing and jolly, jolly, jolly - Jeffy Weffy didn't make the cut!!!!

Sunday was spent applying a new special coating on the campers roof. I did manage to fabricate up two remaining panels that will complete the base unit of the cabinetry that will reside in the laundry room project that is darned near finished.

Bob Nieman
09-12-2005, 11:05 PM
Haven't been too energenic in the woodworking department. Decided to attach the back to a shelf I built for the public library. Only 5 screws-what could go wrong?
1) broke off the drill bit in hole number 1. Can't figure out how to remove it.
2) bought a new bit and successfully drilled hole number 2. Tried to put in a screw to hold it in place. The screw promptly snapped off--again, I don't know how/whether I will remove the remainder.
Decided to call it quits on woodworking for the weekend. Try again next weekend.
Spent three hours combing the desert with my scout troop (and other scouts) looking for a blind, 16 year old, three legged dog that had run off during a thunderstorm 6 days earlier. We didn't find it (but I suspect I found tracks from several days before)