View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
02-15-2016, 5:46 AM
15 Feb 2016

Good Morning Everyone,
Another week of oncall duty comes to a close in just under 4 hours and I'm more than ready to be done with this for a while. The best of all news coming out of this past weekend is that I'm going to become a Grandpa for the very first time! My daughter and son-in-law announced to us yesterday that it will be a "girl" at their Gender Reveal party. Of course, I didn't really care what the gender is, just that's it's healthy and strong. We are excited and now that the gender is known, the LOML and others can start the planning and such for making clothes, painting, decorating, and etc. You know....all the usual fuss that comes with a first grandchild / first great-grandchild. :)

My hope is to get out in the shop some this week as I'm off this week and also visit with my mother who is here for the 1st time since my dad passed away a few years ago.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Frederick Skelly
02-15-2016, 7:48 AM
I prepped another toddler chair for finishing. Lots of careful sanding, scraping, ding removal, etc. The grandmother, a friend of my Mom's, saw a picture and insists on sending me seat fabric that matches the baby's curtains. Since she's a rather "high end" woman, I took that as a small compliment on my work.

Have a good week, guys!

joe maday
02-15-2016, 12:00 PM
Well...I was able to finally upload some photos of a 1790 Sheraton table I finished...to the "Woodworking Projects" topic....had some trouble uploading but I think I figured it out...until the next time at-least.

Randy Viellenave
02-15-2016, 12:21 PM
Congratulations Grandpa! Spoil her rotten then hand her back to Mom and Dad :D

Jim Becker
02-15-2016, 4:54 PM
Congratulations, Dennis!

I was truly thankful that I now have "quality heat" in the shop this weekend...it was too cold to be outside for sure! So I spent quite a few hours in the shop working on some final operations on the buffet/hutch project. (part one being the buffet base) It's been a good project for, um...creatively fixing errors...but in the end, even that's a good learning experience. One thing I can't fix to my satisfaction are the two lower doors, so I'm going to remake them at this point. That said, I am glad it's a painted project however. LOL At any rate, I'm contemplating posting this project as a work-in-progress thread in Woodworking Projects when I get a few minutes to do so as there are many photos already and sharing the experience is nice. Here's this week's intriguing teaser picture...
