View Full Version : Burl Gloat

Steve Doerr
02-10-2016, 1:44 PM
Had two very interesting calls out of the blue last week. They both were from loggers in our part of the state. The first guy called to ask if I might be interested in some cherry burls. We talked for a while and he agreed to bring them up for me to look at. I asked him how he found me and he said he Googled cherry burl and found my name along with some of my turnings. A couple of days later the second guy called and said he understood that I buy burls. We talked for a bit. He had several cherry burls, a large red oak burl and a large hickory burl. He agreed to bring them up for me to look. I now have two different loggers that said they would be looking for burls for me. Both said they already had some that they knew they would be cutting down soon.

The first picture is of the two cherry burls I got from the first logger. The second picture is of the cherry burls I got from the second logger. For a size reference, the large piece in the back is 34”L x 27”D. The third picture is the red oak burl and the log is 3’L x 31”D. The forth picture is the piece of hickory. The burl is a little hard to see but the log is 7’L x 24”D.

I guess I’m going to have to get busy tomorrow and get this all cut up and sealed so I can start turning some items out of burl. It’s a thankless job, but someone has to do it.

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David Delo
02-10-2016, 2:18 PM
Without question....................worthy of a big YOU SUCK! Might nice haul you got there Steve.

Jebediah Eckert
02-10-2016, 3:30 PM
Good score, and even better connections made.

Allan Ferguson
02-10-2016, 4:21 PM
Talk about luck.

Mark Greenbaum
02-10-2016, 8:02 PM
Mighty spicy meatballs. Nice catch. Post pics as you progress.

We had a Horse Back Riding birthday party for my daughter, and I went along on the trail ride. I saw many fine oak and hickory burls, but did not even ask if they thought to cut the trees down. You might be a wood turner if.....