View Full Version : shop vac filters

John A. Williams
09-11-2005, 6:21 PM
Does anyone here have a good source for buying shop vac filters? I have a Rigid wet/dry shop vac and I know Home Depot sells them, but I was looking for a cheaper source. Maybe even a bulk 5 or 10 pack type deal. It is a basic round pleated filter about 7 " in diameter and about 8" long, open at both ends. Thanks for any suggestions.

Matt Meiser
09-11-2005, 6:54 PM
I always clean mine several times before replacing them. I go where the wind will blow the dust away from the shop and house, don my good dust mask, stand upwind, and use compressed air to blow them clean. I just buy them at HD when I need.

Steve Stube
09-11-2005, 7:57 PM
Yes, I use compressed air to blow my filters clean several times before replacing. I blow them out with the wind toward the woods and then come November 15th I only shoot deer with infazemia. Don't laugh, a lot of the time I don't even see the deer until they cough or weeze.

Still looking for that cheaper source.

09-11-2005, 8:10 PM
The Borg sells a version made by Clean Stream. These filter better and last significantly longer than the stock paper junk. They can be cleaned with air or even water. I think they cost around $40, but I have never bought another filter for a vac after getting one. I currently have one in my Craftsman that's around 5 yrs. old. I also put one in my Fein. I would probably have gone through 15-20 paper C'man filters in that time ... lots of drywall dust.


John A. Williams
09-11-2005, 8:36 PM
That water washable filter sounds like it might work great for me. I have no good place to blow out the filters and I really don't want to keep buying new one everytime they get plugged up. Thanks for the suggestions.

Paul Prescott
09-11-2005, 8:53 PM
Get the CleanStream replacement filter. Not only is it washable, it's a HEPA filter - captures most dust down to 0.3 microns. I have almost no dust in the shop since switching, and so far it's lasted a year. Check amazon.com.

Vaughn McMillan
09-11-2005, 8:56 PM
I've noticed Amazon has better prices than my local home center for the paper filters my Shop Vac uses. I haven't ordered any from them yet, but I likely will next time I need to get my order total up high enough for free shipping. I'm also going to look into the Clean Stream filters Jay mentioned.

- Vaughn

Scott Parks
09-11-2005, 11:25 PM
I also have the washable filter for my Rigid vac. Problem is, it filters so well that it plugs up way too fast. I'll have to clean it several times a day. If I'm sucking drywall dust it will plug up in less than 10 minutes... I think cleaning it is unhealthy. If I don't need to use it right away, I'll clean it with the garden hose, thus no dust.

Paul Prescott
09-11-2005, 11:49 PM
Scott - do you use the foam sleeve on the outside of the filter? Not needed in general but I find it helps with very fine dust, ie, drywall, sanding/cutting walnut. Still clogs but easy to blow off with an air compressor.

Dick Strauss
09-12-2005, 1:17 AM
For a filter clogged with sawdust, I just bang the filter against the tree a few times (while making sure to stand up-wind). I do the same thing for my hypo vacuum filters too.


Dan Forman
09-12-2005, 3:54 AM
I walk around outside with the filter (staying upwind) and bang and shake it like a tambourine until the emissions subside. That spreads out the dust and shavings on the lawn so as not to make a visible mess. Will be looking into that washable HEPA one though.


Bill Lewis
09-12-2005, 6:33 AM
Include me in the vote for the Clean Stream filters. They last a long time. They keep flowing when loaded up, even with drywall dust. Paper filters will choke down almost completely. I rarely ever wash it out, just take it outside and knock the dust out of it. If that's not an option you could do it in a garbage bag.

They are worth the money!

Matt Meiser
09-12-2005, 7:21 AM
The Cleanstream filter is what I bought last time. Didn't realize it was washable. I'll have to try that.