View Full Version : Wally Dickerman

Steve Schlumpf
02-09-2016, 1:07 PM
It has come to my attention, both through the WoW website and also emails with Wally’s daughter, Carol, that Wally has lung cancer and is not doing well. He spent 4 days in the hospital last week and is now in hospice care. His blood work is all messed up and in addition to affecting his speech, has slowed him down such that he sleeps a lot now.

Carol is reading Wally the cards, emails and passing along phone conversations as they come in.

Carol gave me permission to pass along her email address. I do not want to post it on an open forum because I do not want her to get hit with spam – so if you would like her address, please PM me.

I know you will join me in wishing Wally all the best and thank him for all the help he has given to the woodturning world!

I had the pleasure of doing an interview with Wally (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?139887-SMC-Turner-Interview-Wally-Dickerman) a few years back. For those of you who have not read it, please do. He is a fascinating man!

God bless you Wally and thanks!

Here are a few photos that Carol sent to us.

331348 331349 331350 331351

Ken Fitzgerald
02-09-2016, 1:20 PM

I am sorry to hear that!

Wally's postings here at the Creek were often enlightening. His turnings were truly inspiring!

John Keeton
02-09-2016, 2:52 PM
What a sad thing to hear! Wally and his family will certainly be lifted up in my prayers.

Ken Glass
02-09-2016, 2:56 PM
What a treasure he is. Prayers for him and his family.

Russell Neyman
02-09-2016, 3:14 PM
Oh no!! Our club interviewed him at our 25th Anniversary Event last October, and he was absolutely wonderful. I hope he mends quickly. All of us at the Olympic Peninsula Woodturners send our prayers.

Mel Fulks
02-09-2016, 3:54 PM
Wally ,you are are a much beloved and respected example here. As Sancho would advise Don Quixote ,I say to you : " it's not a giant,just a windmill". Ahead "full tilt" as we pray for your victory!

Patrick McCarthy
02-09-2016, 4:16 PM
Steve, thank you the head's up - - wish it was not so sad.

Never had the opportunity to meet Wally, but always found his comments (and occasional question) to be gracious and gentlemanly. A few years ago when I realized his age, it gave me some optimism that maybe I will have a bunch more years here (don't mean to sound self-centered; it was just one of those moments where hope suddenly shone thru, and it was due to Wally.).

My best wishes to Wally and his obviously cherished family. Patrick

Reed Gray
02-09-2016, 4:51 PM
I got to meet and chat with him a number of times. Good man!

robo hippy

Allan Ferguson
02-09-2016, 6:37 PM
My knowledge of Wally has been though this site. He is treasured by many. I would like to have known him personally.

Scott Hackler
02-09-2016, 9:11 PM
Well that stinks. :( Good luck on the next chapter Wally.

Doug Herzberg
02-09-2016, 10:08 PM
Prayers for Wally and his family.

Lori Kleinberg
02-09-2016, 11:32 PM
I also send my prayers to Wally and his family.

Thom Sturgill
02-10-2016, 7:17 AM
When I was approaching retirement, I knew needed an activity that would keep me mentally and physically engaged. I had always enjoyed working with wood and thought I would make furniture. I quickly realized that was a mistake as I did not want to have to work in a two man shop. Then I found turning and the example of Wally and others turning into their advanced years encouraged me that this was an activity that I could do.

I have greatly enjoyed his comments and posting. The postings on rim and on foot design would make a great tutorial by themselves. I have never had the honor to meet Wally, and wish him well. Maybe when he beats this I could meet him.

Dick Strauss
02-10-2016, 10:03 AM
We send our prayers to Wally and his family. Hopefully he has a good hospice team in the area keeping him comfortable and helping his family through this most difficult journey. What an inspiration he has been to us all!

Doug Ladendorf
02-10-2016, 10:29 AM
Sending prayers to Wally and family. I sure hope I can keep turning into my 90's.


bill pauley
02-10-2016, 10:44 AM
Keeping Wally and his family in our prayers.

Jason Roehl
02-11-2016, 5:51 AM
Wally and his family are in our prayers as well. He has certainly been a treasure here at the Creek.

Hilel Salomon
02-11-2016, 7:51 AM
Prayers and Good Wishes for Wally and his family.

Doug W Swanson
02-11-2016, 9:37 AM
That is sad news. I had the pleasure of meeting Wally and his wife a few years ago. What a wonderful host and very knowledgeable turner. He gave me a small chunk of burl that I may have to turn soon in honor of Wally.

Roland Martin
02-12-2016, 6:43 AM
My thoughts and prayers to Wally and family.

Thomas Heck
02-12-2016, 8:46 AM
Praying for Wally and his family.

Russell Neyman
02-25-2016, 10:22 PM
I had a good, long talk with Wally's daughter yesterday and she says that the health prognosis is still in question but his spirits are extremely good. He's appreciative of your messages of support and reads each and every one.

Dennis Peacock
02-26-2016, 3:45 PM
I hate cancer with all that is within me. My prayers go out to Wally and his entire family.

Tim Boger
02-26-2016, 6:32 PM
Wally ... having never had the opportunity to meet you in person, we are friends through a common interest. I hope you feel better soon.

Tim Boger

robert baccus
02-26-2016, 11:00 PM
Our prayers and good wishes to Wally and family. He has forgotten more than most of us will ever know.