View Full Version : Last one for the day ...I think

Steve Russell tucker
02-07-2016, 10:01 PM
Hello again < I apologize for flooding this forum with questions but I really don't know anything about lathes at all and this place is the best place for info Thank you all btw... anyway Since I don't own a bowl gouge of any kind and (as previously mentioned) I am a poor wood worker what are the down sides to taking a piece of steel and attaching one of those little carbide cutter wheels to the end of it ? will that work the same ? or am I way off base with that idea I have the steel laying around and it seem that I can get one of those little wheels for 10-15$ I don't want to keep it forever maybe just until I make the coolest bowl ever and sell it for hundreds of dollars and buy a cooler better bowl gouge .anyway thank you all for the advice and info It really has been a pleasure learning from everyone of you
Thanks again

David DeCristoforo
02-07-2016, 10:32 PM
Search the 'net for something like "homade carbide lathe tool" and you will find many examples of carbide lathe tools that you can easily make. You can do a lot with these tools and get a fairly clean cut although not as good as with a decent gouge.

Steve Russell tucker
02-07-2016, 10:35 PM
Outstanding Sir ! thank you I will do that right now and thanks again!

robert baccus
02-07-2016, 10:56 PM
Your idea is probably the easiest tool to make. Good choice.

Steve Russell tucker
02-07-2016, 11:45 PM
Wonderful news Mr. Baccus thank you very much I wasn't sure if it would work I thought it was a "too good to be true" type of thing Thank you very much for the vote of confidence Sir.

Ron Rutter
02-08-2016, 12:35 AM
Steve. A simple solution is to make an"Oland tool". All you need is a piece of 5/8"x 12" keysteel & a 1/4" x 4" square HSS that are readily available. Make yourself a handle and you are in business. Very versatile tool. Lots of info on the net.

Steve Russell tucker
02-08-2016, 1:37 AM
Thank you very much Sir I had to look up what exactly an"Oland tool" was but That does seem pretty easy now that i know :) thank you again and have a great night Sir.!