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View Full Version : picture issues

Ron Heiden
02-07-2016, 7:57 AM
I need some help from the pros.I have seen so many pictures on fb
so I realize whats possible. I think Ive watched all the you tube videos,but
the results don't get close.Im running a 50 watt blue and white Chinese
laser.These are done on thin plywood.

Bert Kemp
02-07-2016, 10:45 AM
what programs are you using to enhance the photos, show us the original also

Clark Pace
02-07-2016, 10:53 AM
Also, what power setttings? Speed Scan gap?

Ron Heiden
02-07-2016, 12:35 PM
corel photo paint and photo shop pro x3 is the software
no scan gap( none of the videos mention that).
If I remember tried different ones speed 100 power 35331171

Isaac Clarke
02-07-2016, 4:02 PM
Can you post the BMP after processing, it could be the process itself.

Ron Heiden
02-07-2016, 4:53 PM
I have it in a file type that cant be sent and the other one says its to big hmmm

Ron Heiden
02-07-2016, 5:06 PM
331190ok I think ive got it,watcha think

Scott Shepherd
02-07-2016, 6:04 PM
That's way to light and dark. Remember, anything that looks black is going to engrave solid, while anything white is not going to engrave at all. You need it to appear a LOT more gray, rather than so much solid black. The colors will still be black, but when done right, the dots will be far enough apart that they appear to be gray when viewing.

Just my opinion.

Ron Heiden
02-07-2016, 6:26 PM
Thank you very much ill give it a try, when I get time.

Dee Gallo
02-07-2016, 6:46 PM
I agree with Scott, you need less contrast, not more. First of all, though, are you opposed to removing some of the background or altering it? Personally, I would make the top half of the background black so that when you invert it does not engrave. I recommend making the image B&W, then using the PhotoShop tool "Shadow/Highlight". It helps a lot to bring out detail in dark areas.

But you also need to look at your settings - you might need more power or less speed. It helps to list these things plus your substrate type when you post so people will know where you started from, and can point you in the right direction.

Ron Heiden
02-07-2016, 7:39 PM
thank you so much,I really appreciate it.First granddaughter so I want a bunch of engraving pics of her:)

Chris J Anderson
02-08-2016, 4:43 AM
that would come up much nicer if you cut out the background :)

Mike Null
02-08-2016, 9:05 AM

I'd suggest trying other substrates besides wood. I do very few photos but always find the grain in wood distorts the result I want. I use PhotoPaint but your Photoshop is the gold standard for photo retouching. The reason I mention it is that there are many options available that'll produce some very attractive results.

Ron Heiden
02-12-2016, 9:12 AM
Thanks everyone for the help.still trying with different settings,on paper,its cheaper