View Full Version : Mission style Recliner Question

Kurt Swanson
02-01-2016, 7:11 AM
Hi all,
I'm building this recliner for a friend of mine:
I need to find a source for the metal reclining mechanism. I'd prefer the manually operated kind with no external handle.
I'm already considering buying a used Lazy-Boy and just ripping the guts out. Or finding something reasonably priced online.
Any thoughts or suggestions on this?

Jay Runde
02-01-2016, 5:35 PM
I scoured Craigslist a couple of years ago for free/cheap recliners to get a mechanism. I still haven't built the chair though :(

Tom M King
02-01-2016, 7:07 PM
My chair is one that looks similar to that made by Barcalounger. It reclines without a lever. I didn't buy it for looks, but it was the only one I sat in when I needed one that the armrests were high enough for what I wanted. Mine looks a little different than this one, that appears to have the lower arms: http://www.totallyfurniture.com/barcalounger-7-4411-chaps-saddle.html?ref=gs&gclid=Cj0KEQiAoby1BRDA-fPXtITt3f0BEiQAPCkqQQGwwcHrUMAeaMCDMmkaoekskLYh6US XoGgxjDORddoaApMW8P8HAQ

Steve Schoene
02-01-2016, 7:32 PM
I grew up with similar design recliners, but neither of the ones I knew had metal mechanisms. Look at the originals and you'll find several different mechanisms that use wood ratchet systems that work well. Cobbling together something made to be used to be in different designs with different points of balance. Following the original designs gives a more elegant result, in what is purely my own personal opinion.