View Full Version : Identify these tools

Staffan Hamala
01-26-2016, 4:37 PM
I'm turning handles for some chisels without handles, or with broken handles. There was this one tool, that I thought was a carving gouge (had a short handle). However, the robust tang makes me wonder if this might be a turning gouge. What do you think?

The following tool is one among a few that were included when I bought my (used) lathe. There's one gouge and a skew chisel with similar handles. Both the steel and the handle seem short for turning tools, but I guess that is what they are.

But what is this tool used for? It looks so fragile that I don't dare to use it on the lathe.


Anyone seen lathe tools with similar handles?

Dave Mcintire
01-26-2016, 4:43 PM
I,m pretty sure the items in the top picture are spoon drills for use in an antique type brace (drill). The long taper at the end fit into the brace chuck. They do work.
I don,t know what the others are.

Mel Fulks
01-26-2016, 5:22 PM
I think the tool with the handle was used to make the rings on the handle. I believe the others are just very worn down turning tools. The guy couldn't bear to throw them away,I've saved some I've come across at yard sales for the same reason plus nostalgia.

Staffan Hamala
01-27-2016, 10:40 AM
Thanks. I hadn't of spoon bits, but that might be it!

The lathe tools feel a bit short to me. But maybe I can repurpose them as carving tools instead.

Walter Mooney
01-27-2016, 12:05 PM
My guess is that the two tools with handles are small hollowing tools, for hollowing things like Christmas ornaments.