View Full Version : PWW article on Klausz' dovetailing method

Steve Beadle
09-09-2005, 12:24 PM
I got a kick out of the article in the latest Popular Woodworking regarding "Frank Klausz's Final Word on Dovetails." His attitude is a bit different than many master craftsmen, it seems to me. Through dovetails are really no biggey, especially the way he does them. I find I can appreciate both Frank's method and the methods of others who perhaps invest a little more mystique into the process. It was also interesting to see the article immediately following Franks--about the pope's dovetailed coffin, which appears to have been constructed with "big, big pins and tails" just like Frank makes them!

I also noted that the method described in the article is the same as the one in his video. Lots of good pictures really show Frank's method well.

Ned Bulken
09-09-2005, 1:01 PM
I haven't picked that issue up yet, will have to do so. I rented his DVD via netflix, and he makes it look so easy doesn't he? haven't tried them yet, but my neander tendencies are growing, so I may just have to go build something using his methods soon.