View Full Version : Bubinga Bed Set...finally finished the nitestands.

John Scane
09-09-2005, 1:04 AM
Well This was the day i've been waiting for.......

I haven't posted in awhile so I'll catch up. I attatched the bottom shelf with a frame.


I then figured out what I wanted to drawer to look like with a template.


Then I built the drawer using maple. The drawer face is attatched with a sliding dovetail and the back is a box joint.



The next step was attatching the cleats for the drawer to slide on.


After that it was a lot of sanding and a little fitting of the drawer and the 2 nightstands are DONE!


I haven't decided if I want to make a handle or not for the drawers so I didn't oil them today, I'll think about it tomorrow and figure it out.

Here they are oiled......



So I'll post the final pics when I complete the finish. What do you think?

Marc Spagnuolo
09-09-2005, 1:19 AM
I have two words for you sir......Holy and Crap!!!
That bubinga really turned out beautifully. Your design is uniqe and well thought out. I cant wait to see the final pics!!!

Don Baer
09-09-2005, 1:30 AM
John, all I can say is WOW.....

Mike Vermeil
09-09-2005, 1:34 AM
Awesome John. That bubinga pops big-time! You've got to be happy with the way they've turned out. I love 'em. Every time you make an update, I find myself enjoying the design more & more.

Now, about that Nader bumper sticker....

Vaughn McMillan
09-09-2005, 1:36 AM
What a shame you had such plain-looking wood to work with. ;)

John, the figure on that bubinga is insane! I really like the lines of the whole piece, but they go unnoticed when paired with the wood in the top and shelf. Excellent job.

- Vaughn

Jason Tuinstra
09-09-2005, 1:43 AM
Very nice! Seems like the word of the day is "wow" so sign me up for another one. The wood looks fantastic! Good job.

Kirk (KC) Constable
09-09-2005, 3:03 AM
I'd love to see the pics, but that site is blocked by the network boys. I'll have to wait 'til I get home! :(

Dan Forman
09-09-2005, 3:35 AM
That's astonishing!!! That wood looks like burning embers. Bravo.


Dennis Peacock
09-09-2005, 3:56 AM
What a shame you had such plain-looking wood to work with. ;)
- Vaughn


You're such a HOOT!!!!!! :D :D


really nice on the wood figure and the craftsmanship it very well done. Thanks for sharing the pics.!!!

Ken Fitzgerald
09-09-2005, 6:37 AM
John......absolutely gorgeous! What beautiful figure in that wood!

Jeff Sudmeier
09-09-2005, 8:37 AM
John, it looks like the peice is on fire!!!

Jim Becker
09-09-2005, 8:54 AM
I agree with Jeff..."hot stuff"!!! They turned out beautifully, John.

Wes Bischel
09-09-2005, 9:27 AM
Stunning both the wood and form. Only one thing - I'd hate to put anything on them that could cover them up!

Simply beautiful.


Jim Becker
09-09-2005, 9:30 AM
Stunning both the wood and form. Only one thing - I'd hate to put anything on them that could cover them up!

Somewhere in the world...someone WOULD put a cover or something on these wonderful tables...but their ears would be sore if I caught them in the act!!

John Gregory
09-09-2005, 10:37 AM
You can add another WOW from me. It is hard to find a better word for such a beautiful creation.


Jim Fancher
09-09-2005, 10:59 AM
Seems like the word of the day is "wow" so sign me up for another one.

I blurted out a couple myself before scrolling down to read the responses. :D

Absolutely beautiful!

Sam Blasco
09-09-2005, 11:06 AM
SWEET! The only thing, it's a shame your shelf support structure couldn't have been incorporated to see the dovetails. No one but us will know.

Zahid Naqvi
09-09-2005, 11:06 AM
Sweet stuff. so when are you posting pictures of the bed.

Warren White
09-09-2005, 11:17 AM
It is hard to even think about the design of the night stands because the figure of the top and shelf just take my breath away!!!! It is absolutely fantastic! Thanks for sharing what you have done thus far, and I look forward to more pictures. WOW!!!


John Scane
09-09-2005, 12:20 PM
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all the responses, although I really can't take much credit...mother nature is the real artist. Anyway when I saw this wood originally before buying it I was blown away like you guys. Knowing what it looked like I went through about 50 design ideas/changes from what I originally wanted to do. I knew I had to let the wood be the star. My main goal was to build something that had a nice form yet was really just a "support" to show off this wood. I told the client when someone walks into the room I want them to see this beautiful wood and then realize it's a bed, nitestands, dresser etc. ( does that make sense ? )

I'm thinking of leaving the drawer with no handle. The proto handles I made all looked nice but seemed to make the pieces more typical. It's almost like you expect there to be a handle.

well thanks and if you have any input about the handle let me know.

Dick Strauss
09-09-2005, 12:30 PM
Is it my allergy meds kicking in or does that stand look out of this world? Very nice piece!

By the way, if you need a place to store it while you build the bed I think I could find a little space for it ...you know...temporarily (he-he)!


Richard Wolf
09-09-2005, 2:34 PM
You did the wood proud.


Jeff Sudmeier
09-09-2005, 2:35 PM
John, that is a great way to approach this project! You have a great vision, the wood in this case is the star.

I think it would be neat to leave the drawer(s) without a handle. That way it is kind of a not so hidden compartment ;)

Keith Burns
09-09-2005, 4:05 PM
All I can do is add another WOW !

Joe Unni
09-09-2005, 4:17 PM

Is that not why we are in this activity.

Just beautiful.

The wood shimmers.

Did I say beautiful?!?!

Thanks John,

Christopher Stahl
09-09-2005, 10:00 PM
Exceptional work! I need to throw in my wow.



Peter Pedisich
09-09-2005, 10:35 PM
I have never seen such vibrant woodgrain! incredible!

Like your dovetail construction too, this world needs more of this!

Thanks for sharing the pics...and have a great weekend!:)

Mark Stutz
09-09-2005, 11:20 PM
Another WOW here. Can't think of any new adjectives! Here's another vote for no handle...might draw the eye away from the top..if that's even possible!

Joe Blankshain
09-10-2005, 9:19 AM
Add one more WOW to the list. John, that is some very fine work and you should be proud.

Mark Singer
09-10-2005, 9:21 AM

Excellent! The finish really looks great!

Earl Kelly
09-10-2005, 12:12 PM

You really did a nice job of utilizing the beauty of the Figured Bubinga. I feel that your client will be very pleased with the results.

I don't know exactly what I'd do for the drawer, but it appears it needs something to help tie it in with the top and shelf. Maybe a curved bead at the bottom of the drawer that can be utilized as a handle. I'm sure whatever you decide to do will look good.

Jim W. White
09-10-2005, 1:05 PM

FANTASTIC work. I would vote for a handle made out of the bubinga scraps. Perhaps something horizontal (much more wide than tall) and overall very small and unassuming.

...either way they look fantastic ...I'm repeating my adjectives but that's what I was saying when I pulled up the pictures!!

John Scane
09-10-2005, 1:51 PM
Here's more pics I took yesterday after I put another coat of oil/varnish mix on it. I use Tung Oil and Man O War satin spar varnish cut with a little turpentine. I would say it's about 70% tung oil, 25% varnish and 5% Turp. I'm not very exact about it but it has always worked great. ( although it can darken light woods a bit )






Chamfer on side edge to give shelf a floating look.


Here's the two together, The dark knots were hidden in the center of the board and didn't show until I cut out the curve of the leg. I liked the suprise so I left them. ( if the client doesn't like it they can put that side toward the bed. )

Earl Kelly
09-10-2005, 2:08 PM
Hey John, how the headboard coming, that's what I want to see. Is it a HdBd or a bed? I forget! You must use Oils for painting, I didn't think anyone used Turps anymore.

John Scane
09-10-2005, 2:52 PM
Hey John, how the headboard coming, that's what I want to see. Is it a HdBd or a bed? I forget! You must use Oils for painting, I didn't think anyone used Turps anymore.

Headboard is comming along it's going to be the whole bed...I will take pics and post em along the way. Yea I use oil paints. I love the Turp!;) They say it's bad for you but I have used it for 20 years now.:eek:

Steve Clardy
09-10-2005, 3:01 PM
Awesome. Just add another WOW on the wood choice.

Earl Kelly
09-10-2005, 3:40 PM
Headboard is comming along it's going to be the whole bed...I will take pics and post em along the way. Yea I use oil paints. I love the Turp!;) They say it's bad for you but I have used it for 20 years now.:eek:

From reading George Frank's Book Adventures In Wood Finishing. He used to wash his hands with what was Leaded Gasoline back then. Used lots of hazardous chemicals and lived to his late 80's.

Man, it's going to take a week or two to get the Turps smell out of those pieces. Hope you didn't put it inside the drawers, if so, leave them out for quite a while to "air out"

scott spencer
09-10-2005, 5:41 PM
This is sad, but I wouldn't even notice "J-Lo" in a bikini if that bubinga was parked next to her! :eek: