View Full Version : Font Identification Help

Mayo Pardo
01-16-2016, 6:01 PM
I've tried about three online font recognition websites and not had any luck determining this one...
Anyone know the name of this font or where I can get it?

chris szlachetka
01-17-2016, 4:07 AM
You can try to submit the font pic here, I'm sure they'll be able to help


Gary Looft
01-17-2016, 1:18 PM
Hi Mayo, I found your font. It is KrinkesDecor. You can find it here:



Mayo Pardo
01-18-2016, 7:49 PM
Thanks Gary - I didn't check back here yesterday but came back today to mention that I had found it and I see you found it in the same place before I did! It's a cool font but there are some spacing problems with certain capital and lower case combinations. I needed it for an engraving job estimate so all is good now!