View Full Version : Woodworking shows

Jon Endres
01-15-2016, 3:48 PM
Got one of "The Woodworking Shows" coming to Springfield, MA next weekend. Have not been to one of these in at least 10-12 years. As I recall it was more of a manufacturer's showcase than anything else and the actual vendors were kind of scarce, nothing was particularly a bargain, and the exhibits (completed work) were nearly nonexistent.

Hopefully this has improved in the meantime. Any opinions on this show and whether or not it is worth the 2+ hour drive and $12 admission fee?

Brian Henderson
01-15-2016, 3:54 PM
Couldn't really tell you, I haven't been to a show in years, but that was my impression too. I found the last couple I went to to be a complete waste of time and money so I stopped going.

Kevin Womer
01-15-2016, 7:18 PM
Got one of those too. I don't think I have been to one since the admission was 8 bucks, and I thought that was overpriced back then, plus parking and the disappointment after seeing the "show specials." I'm close to Woodwerks in Columbus and usually head there during the same weekend as they have their show during the same time. Wish I could be more helpful for you but I feel like been there, done that when it comes to the woodworking shows.

Terry Hatfield
01-15-2016, 9:20 PM
I go to the one in Kansas City about every year. It's 4 hours each way for me. I hang out with some other wwing friends from the KC area. I enjoy it very much. Always find a few things that are good deals that follow me home. I don't have any sort of wood working stores any where close to me so for me it's a win. Worth the price of admission in my book anyway.

Andrew DiLorenzo
01-16-2016, 1:26 PM
I go to the one in Tampa and staff my local club's exhibit there. It is a chance to speak to other area local club members that live maybe 50 miles or further away and share the same problems my club has. Also it shows what is new in the hobby. Some club member's work is quite fantastic. There are as many wood turners clubs as "flat boarders." It is just as far as my "local" Woodcraft. I learn a lot from the seminars.