View Full Version : Delta DJ-20 Jointer

Mike Riordan
01-15-2016, 1:46 PM
When changing out knives on my jointer I dropped one knife and the clamping bar into the space holding the cutter head. The clamping bar came out the dust chute, but not the knife. I have tried stuffing a cloth around the cutter head, as well as using high pressure air blown into the space where the knife should be. My only remaining idea is to tilt the whole machine and see if it will slide out. Difficult to do considering the weight of the machine.. Please help if you have ideas.

Randy Henry
01-15-2016, 2:41 PM
Unless you have modified yours, the chute will be open on the top. Just take off the back and you will be able to reach in there and grab it. While you have the back off, make a top for the chute. It makes a world of difference in dust collection. I put a Byrd head in my DJ-20 and it was a very good investment. Made a huge difference.