View Full Version : Concussion

Sean Troy
01-14-2016, 8:55 PM
My wife has a concussion from a large chunk of ice that fell off a power line and split her head open. Wrong place at the wrong time. Stitches and a concussion. She is not one to stay down and now today after doing a home visit for a student (She is a Teacher) she is paying the price with a headache of large proportions. 9 on a 1-10 scale. This happened 3 days ago. Any tips on helping her along other than asking her to stay in bed? She has been in bed until late afternoon today for a couple of hours. Thanks, Sean

Mike Henderson
01-14-2016, 9:01 PM
No suggestions but please pass along our best wishes (from the forum). I hope she's feeling better soon.


Sean Troy
01-14-2016, 9:23 PM
No suggestions but please pass along our best wishes (from the forum). I hope she's feeling better soon.

Thank you Mike, and will do.

Bill McNiel
01-14-2016, 11:18 PM
My most humble, and honest, opinion - you need to tell her how much you care/love/admire her and then get her to agree to a recovery plan that is heavily orientated to her well being. She needs to rest! Don't ask - tell her. This is what my loving wife did to me after I checked myself out of the hospital five days ahead of schedule last year and she had to deal with the consequences even more than I.

Jim Koepke
01-15-2016, 12:27 AM
My most humble, and honest, opinion - you need to tell her how much you care/love/admire her and then get her to agree to a recovery plan that is heavily orientated to her well being. She needs to rest! Don't ask - tell her. This is what my loving wife did to me after I checked myself out of the hospital five days ahead of schedule last year and she had to deal with the consequences even more than I.

This has my full agreement.

Best wishes an prayers for your wife's quick recovery.

As one who has incurred a head/brain injury I can attest to the long recovery process. I understand the severity of the migraines one can experience after such an occurrence. At the time I didn't know about feverfew as a useful herb in mitigating migraine headaches. You might want to ask her doctor if it can be used with her current medication.


Mike Null
01-15-2016, 7:15 AM
A year ago my wife (72 years old) slipped on some ice on our deck and in addition to a concussion suffered three broken ribs. This on top of the fact that she has chronic pain from 5 hip surgeries. As the others have said, TLC and being firm in making her obey your care instructions are important.
I wish your wife a speedy recovery.

Sean Troy
01-15-2016, 8:23 AM
thanks all. I'll make sure and take care of her so she doesn't have any need to get out of bed. I'll check into FeverFew also.