View Full Version : Did I make bad mistake on face frame

Bob Grier
01-13-2016, 10:32 AM
On the face frame in picture, the middle stile is 6 1/2" wide. It is mortise and tendon with glue to rails as well as jack miter for the bead. Last night I set it in place against the box and was planning the runner installation for 2 drawers when all of a sudden I realized how wide the stile is. This scared me because it is fixed so can not expand and contract with humidity changes. The reason it is so wide is because a 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" leg will be centered on it which will leave 1 1/2" of the stile exposed each side of the leg. The leg will be notched so it sits under the cabinet with 7/8" thick face of the leg extending up the face of the stile.

If I need to do something to prevent the stile from cracking, I am thinking I can cut the stile vertically 1 5/8" in from each side so the cut runs from top rail to bottom rail. The cuts will be covered on the outside by the leg and the leg will be attached through the center portion of the stile. I was also planning to glue the leg to the stile. If I cut the stile, the leg will only be glued to the center portion of the stile. I would not be cutting the top and bottom portion of the stile (tendon) where it buried in the rail.

The stile on the right side is 3 1/4" wide and connected to the rails with through tendons at top and bottom. It will also have a similarly attached leg with glue and screws. Now I am starting to worry about it too.

Do you think I have a problem and if so do you think the solution I am thinking about solve the problem? Is there a better solution?

The face frame is 7/8" thick and wood is cherry.

Thank you

Robert Engel
01-13-2016, 11:33 AM
I wouldn't worry about it.

Michael Zerance
01-13-2016, 11:47 AM
Nice work; please post some finished pics when you're done.

Mike Goetzke
01-13-2016, 12:22 PM
I agree very nice work. I too would not worry about the stile but the the drawer openings look pretty wide (+24"). What will they be used for?


David Kumm
01-13-2016, 12:27 PM
Beautiful. Cherry is pretty stable and when finished I would not believe it would crack. I've built a lot of passage doors with 8-9" stiles and none have cracked yet. Dave

David Eisenhauer
01-13-2016, 1:23 PM
With a more-than-one-coat finish applied to all surfaces and furniture living in an AC environment, I would very surprised to see sufficient movement to crack something.

Patrick McCarthy
01-13-2016, 1:27 PM
Bob, nice work and really like the cockbeading (unless it is called something else when on the frame rather than the drawer, but you get the point).

William C Rogers
01-13-2016, 1:37 PM
Nice work. I wouldn't worry. Just make sure you finish both sides.

Bob Grier
01-13-2016, 1:39 PM
Thank you for your compliments and guidance. I am going to continue as originally planned. Regarding the drawer width, they are 29 1/2" which I understand is pushing it a little but will have good runners and be in my kitchen. If something doesn't work right, I will live with it and learn. The alternative of smaller drawers was not good. I don't know what the drawers will be used for but will only be 5" deep on inside so not much weight. It will be kitchen island.

Chris Hachet
01-13-2016, 1:59 PM
I wouldn't worry about it.

Ditto...cherry is a softer wood and very stable in my experience.

Chris Hachet
01-13-2016, 2:00 PM
Thank you for your compliments and guidance. I am going to continue as originally planned. Regarding the drawer width, they are 29 1/2" which I understand is pushing it a little but will have good runners and be in my kitchen. If something doesn't work right, I will live with it and learn. The alternative of smaller drawers was not good. I don't know what the drawers will be used for but will only be 5" deep on inside so not much weight. It will be kitchen island.

Pics when finished please...

Jerry Olexa
01-14-2016, 10:13 AM
Nothing to worry about..Your door will cover part of that width.

Larry Browning
01-14-2016, 1:35 PM
You have completely screwed it up. There is no saving it. But I am here to help. Just send it to me postage paid so that no one you know will ever see how badly you screwed it up.

Your welcome!

Vince Shriver
01-15-2016, 2:07 AM
You have completely screwed it up. There is no saving it. But I am here to help. Just send it to me postage paid so that no one you know will ever see how badly you screwed it up.

Your welcome!

You're a prince, Larry.