View Full Version : Waterstone sources

Jeff Bartley
01-13-2016, 7:05 AM
I've been planing to change up my sharpening set up (film and granite) and was all set to order Stu's special set but I have tried, unsuccessfully, three times to contact him and now I can't even find the special set on his site.
Can anyone recommend other sources for these? I was particularly interested in the 'hard' 1000 sigma power but no other vendor that I've seen offers it.
I know contacting Stu has been discussed in the past but I just want to buy some waterstones!

Robert Engel
01-13-2016, 8:06 AM
Lee Valley sells them.

Jeff Bartley
01-13-2016, 8:17 AM
Lee valley sells the power select II, not the regular sigma powers. But that is an option I'm considering, though it's much more expensive than Stu's 'special set'. Thanks for the suggestion Robert!

Tom M King
01-13-2016, 8:22 AM
TfJ selection is hard to match, and prices aren't matched that I know of, but it does take a while to get something from there. The hard 1000 is my least favorite of the Sigma stones. I do remember the 13 availability has been up and down, but I expect it's because of the demand for such a great stone, and probably especially this close after Christmas. Sorry, no good suggestions. I keep something ordered from there most of the time, and it shows up when it shows up, but then I have stuff to work with.

Jeff Bartley
01-13-2016, 8:46 AM
Tom, do you just place the order and sit back? At this point I'd like to know if the 'special set' is still available. What's your favorite 1000 grit sigma? And to all: sorry to drag this horse out of the barn again!

Eric Schatz
01-13-2016, 10:03 AM
Who is Stu and what are you all talking about? I need to get into waterstones (or at least away from scary sharp).

Brian Holcombe
01-13-2016, 10:15 AM
So has them on his website (Japan-tool). When I buy through the cart I usually get items very fast....so long as USPS behaves.

Sole proprietors are going to be pretty swamped with emails right now, since probably most of them took a holiday.

Patrick Chase
01-13-2016, 1:35 PM
Lee valley sells the power select II, not the regular sigma powers. But that is an option I'm considering, though it's much more expensive than Stu's 'special set'. Thanks for the suggestion Robert!

I wouldn't get the Select IIs unless you're planning on sharpening a lot of exotic steels (HSS, CPM-10V, etc). I have a complete set of S-!!s and they release abrasive very quickly. That's good if the abrasive is also getting dulled very quickly as is the case with difficult steels, but if you use them on mundane tool steels you'll just be flushing perfectly good abrasive down the sink. You'll also find yourself flattening a lot.

Andrew Pitonyak
01-13-2016, 1:55 PM
Who is Stu and what are you all talking about? I need to get into waterstones (or at least away from scary sharp).



Be sure to set the currency from the drop down.

There have been supply problems with Sigma Power stones, which is probably why the "special set" is not currently available. If the supplier cannot keep up with your regularly priced demand, then you will likely not offer a discounted special set (but I have no idea if that is why you do not see one, I am just making stuff up).

I have been pondering purchasing some Sigma Power Select II stones, but I just never got around to it. Realistically, the non Select variety would probably serve me since I do not have much exotic steel, maybe one or two and a bunch of PM-V11.

Side note: These might be of interest

http://www.toolsfromjapan.com/wordpress/?p=713 (Waterstone testing Part I)
http://www.toolsfromjapan.com/wordpress/?p=678 (and part II).

Tom M King
01-13-2016, 5:18 PM
Yes, I just place an order, and it comes when it comes. The hard 1,000 is okay, but I'm mostly a feel sharpener, and it doesn't have much feel to me. It cuts plenty fast enough, but I like to be able to feel when a stone is done, and not have to keep checking. It's currently the only 1,000 stone I have. I like the 400 a lot. I have some others on an order or two, but I'm not worried about them, and I don't get in a hurry to do anything anyway.

I use almost nothing but 01, and my 13k is a Select II. It cuts so fast, and finishes so quickly, that there is no worry about wasting the abrasive. I use the whole face, so it doesn't need flattening that often. Probably only takes ten strokes at most. I doubt I'll ever wear it out.

Patrick Chase
01-13-2016, 7:21 PM
I use almost nothing but 01, and my 13k is a Select II. It cuts so fast, and finishes so quickly, that there is no worry about wasting the abrasive. I use the whole face, so it doesn't need flattening that often. Probably only takes ten strokes at most. I doubt I'll ever wear it out.

The 13k is actually a Sigma Power stone that was retroactively rebranded "Select II". Stu had a blog post about that a while ago, but I can't find it offhand. I agree that that stone works well across a wide range of steels. Polishing isn't as wear-intensive to begin with, since each layer of abrasive is much thinner.

EDIT: He said that in an SMC post, not on his blog. Here: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/archive/index.php/t-178498.html

Tom M King
01-13-2016, 7:57 PM
Makes sense. I guess I don't have any experience with Select II stones then, so don't have an opinion on them. Love the Powers though.

Jeff Bartley
01-13-2016, 8:16 PM
So (Japan tool) is on my short list of potential vendors, I've been reading about the natural stones he sells, boy those look like double or triple hole to fall into!

Jeff Bartley
01-13-2016, 8:36 PM
I really appreciate the discussion, very helpful in directing my brain! Patrick, what you mentioned about the select II's being wasted on normal steels is the exact reason I was keen on the 'special set' from Stu. If it's not available I'll probably start with a course stone (probably a sigma power 1000) and a atoma 400 to flatten with. Tom, do you thing that sigma 400 would work well to establish the bevel on a Japanese chisel. From what I understand grinders are a no no with those!
I still have plenty of fine diamond lapping film so I should try and force myself to at least use it up before getting a finishing stone. With the recent addition of some Japanese chisels I'll now be sharpening everything from vintage chisels and Stanley irons to A2 and PMV-11 irons.
And Andrew, those waterstone testing links will be my bedtime reading....that is a lot of info!!

Lenore Epstein
01-13-2016, 8:49 PM
Stu got back from vacation on the 8th; the site didn't accept orders while he was gone, and I imagine he got a rush of orders from folks who'd been waiting to place orders--just like me. It's basically a one-man operation, so I've cut him a lot of slack when he hasn't replied to emails. After all, he does offer some otherwise unavailable stuff at great prices, and there are enough folks here who use them that you can tell how they perform. Search for sigma power to find tons of posts.

Here's a starter set that includes sigma power stones, an Iwood diamond stone, and some accessories: http://www.toolsfromjapan.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=335_404_403&products_id=1668.

Jeff Bartley
01-13-2016, 9:08 PM
Lenore, I saw that starter set and wondered if it was taking the place of the 'special set'? I understand being busy and taking a long time to get back to someone but I've sent Stu messages through his website multiple times, starting back in sept or October and nothing, nada. I'm not questioning the quality of his products or his knowledge; it's just been so long now that all my course diamond film is used up and I need something to replace that segment of my sharpening regiment. I use these tools everyday.

Lenore Epstein
01-13-2016, 9:31 PM
Lenore, I saw that starter set and wondered if it was taking the place of the 'special set'? I understand being busy and taking a long time to get back to someone but I've sent Stu messages through his website multiple times, starting back in sept or October and nothing, nada. I'm not questioning the quality of his products or his knowledge; it's just been so long now that all my course diamond film is used up and I need something to replace that segment of my sharpening regiment. I use these tools everyday.
I hear ya'. I deal with a number of other crusty overworked types, so I'm used to providing my own customer service. But I never would have placed an order with Stu if I hadn't seen so many strong (and recent) recommendations for his operation.

I'm not sure whether there used to be a second set, but I do remember seeing a set with the option of a an Atoma stone. It's possible that he lost too much $$ on it, because it was like getting that $70 diamond stone for free.

Jeff Bartley
01-13-2016, 9:37 PM
That starter set looks really good, and at that price it's no wonder he doesn't have time to answer emails....he's probably too busy packing up all the orders!!

Christopher Charles
01-13-2016, 10:06 PM
I ordered a set of shapton pros from Stu a couple years ago and had no trouble despite a bit of radio silence. I went that route because my shop freezes periodically and I wanted a true splash and go set. According to Stu, at least one of the sigmas requires soaking (don't remember which one). Have been quite happy with my set up. Price was nearly identical to the cost of the sigma set. Hope that helps more that it confuses.


Patrick Chase
01-13-2016, 11:46 PM
That starter set looks really good, and at that price it's no wonder he doesn't have time to answer emails....he's probably too busy packing up all the orders!!

There is a second set with the 13K (which that starter set lacks) and the option of an Atoma 400 for flattening.

Stu's digital storefront is a bit odd in that it "disappears" items that are out of stock. I've experienced cases where an item is there one day and gone the next, and then it comes back a couple weeks later. From looking at the Sigma Power page it appears that the with-base version of the 13k is missing, so that's probably why the 3-stone set isn't there either.

Jeff Bartley
01-14-2016, 9:19 AM
For those that have ordered stones from Stu: How long does it usually take to get the order?

Patrick Chase
01-14-2016, 10:52 AM
For those that have ordered stones from Stu: How long does it usually take to get the order?

Depends on what shipping you get and how busy he is, but typically ~4 weeks. He'll typically ping you if he hasn't gotten it out within ~3 weeks.

James Ziegler
01-14-2016, 11:35 AM
Lenore, I saw that starter set and wondered if it was taking the place of the 'special set'? I understand being busy and taking a long time to get back to someone but I've sent Stu messages through his website multiple times, starting back in sept or October and nothing, nada. I'm not questioning the quality of his products or his knowledge; it's just been so long now that all my course diamond film is used up and I need something to replace that segment of my sharpening regiment. I use these tools everyday.

The special set was back in stock this morning. Take a look and you might be able to order it now.

Lenore Epstein
01-14-2016, 12:06 PM
For those that have ordered stones from Stu: How long does it usually take to get the order?
An order I made in mid-November only took two weeks to get to Utah, so it really depends.

Christopher Charles
01-14-2016, 2:16 PM
Was a couple years ago, but ~3 weeks total if I recall. Forgot to mention that I also got the 400 Atoma for flattening, which i can recommend.


Tom M King
01-14-2016, 5:48 PM
Sometimes a couple of weeks. Sometimes a couple of months. Usually just a few weeks, but I expect the months before and after Christmas are extra busy. I think I have two orders in the process now. I don't remember when I placed them. I can understand the frustration if you need something to work with, but I try to stay ahead, and not sell anything until the replacement gets here to try.

Patrick Chase
01-14-2016, 6:24 PM
I should have mentioned that Stu's delay also depends on what you order. 2 of my last 3 had chisels in them, which add another week or two. Looking back it appears that the "routine" ones are indeed ~3 weeks so long as it isn't right before holidays.

Tom M King
01-14-2016, 6:47 PM
I just placed another order, and the 13K is up, as is the three stone set with choices. I don't know what to recommend as to the hard versus soft 1,000. I doubt you will go wrong either way. Patrick may have one of each:)

Patrick Chase
01-14-2016, 6:50 PM
I just placed another order, and the 13K is up, as is the three stone set with choices. I don't know what to recommend as to the hard versus soft 1,000. I doubt you will go wrong either way. Patrick may have one of each:)

Nope. I have the Power 1000 hard, but I also have the SII 1000 and the Power 3F 700, so I have more than enough "soft" stones in that range.

Jeff Bartley
01-14-2016, 7:14 PM
I'm 98% going for the 1000 hard, in one of Stu's videos he mentions that if you plan to ever use a guide you should get the hard. I freehand chisels but sometimes use a guide for plane irons.
Again, thanks for the discussion guys!

Tom M King
01-14-2016, 7:51 PM
I should have mentioned that since I'm in no hurry (unless I'm racing something that sails), I always go for the cheapest shipping, which I would imagine is far from the fastest.

Jeff Bartley
01-17-2016, 10:59 AM
Has anyone here used the EMS shipping option from Stu? The Japan post SAL option (unregistered) is $46, 2-3 week delivery for the order I want to place, the EMS option is $73, 5 day delivery and it's traceable. The registered option of the SAL is $58. I'll probably use the cheapest method but I'm curious to hear if anyone has anything to report. 2-3 weeks, for me, go by in the blink of an eye! TIA!

Jeff Bartley
01-17-2016, 11:07 AM
I forgot to add: I'm gonna go for the 'special set', it's such a good value it seems like the best option. And being a carpenter I'm compelled to also order a Kariwaku hammer......I'm always looking for another interesting hammer.....and I always come back to the smooth faced 20oz estwing.....but I've never tried a japanese style hammer.

Patrick Chase
01-17-2016, 12:26 PM
Has anyone here used the EMS shipping option from Stu? The Japan post SAL option (unregistered) is $46, 2-3 week delivery for the order I want to place, the EMS option is $73, 5 day delivery and it's traceable. The registered option of the SAL is $58. I'll probably use the cheapest method but I'm curious to hear if anyone has anything to report. 2-3 weeks, for me, go by in the blink of an eye! TIA!

I've used EMS. It works as advertised. Stu often upgrades orders to registered SAL all on his own BTW.

Brian Holcombe
01-17-2016, 5:02 PM
I prefer EMS to SAL, I will always upgrade to it.

The tracking is nice as USPS is weird sometimes. Mine are usually 2-3 days from Japan to my door....but then once in a blue moon I get one that sits in a warehouse in america for 3 weeks and then travels the eastern seaboard then finally arrives at my door.

Jeff Bartley
01-17-2016, 6:00 PM
Thanks for the responses! I ended up going with the EMS shipping, I didn't want to wonder when I'd get the order and having insurance on an international order seemed like a good idea.
In the end I think I'm as excited about the Kariwaku hammer as I am the sharpening gear!