View Full Version : Router mount for lathe?

carl mesaros
01-12-2016, 9:13 AM
Hello. Does anyone know of a device to mount a hand held router on the lathe? Either store bought or homemade would be great.
It seems I read plans to construct one somewhere, but for the life of me I can't remember where.
Any help would be appreciated.

Quinn McCarthy
01-12-2016, 9:22 AM

I made one for dovetailing furniture legs. I used it on 2 shaker candle stands and 6' coat rack. I made it out of 3/4 " plywood. It was pretty simple. I made a new router base out of lexan scrap I had.

Peter Blair
01-12-2016, 9:44 AM
If you feel the need to make one, Google Harvey Fein. Not sure if he still sells kits but I modelled mine after his basic set-up. I could post some photos if you want but his site may give you enough info. I have two small routers each set-up for different uses. His main jigs are WAY beyond my need or ability to manufacture. Some pretty wild equipment.

John K Jordan
01-12-2016, 10:04 AM
Our friend John Lucas has made many such devices over the years. He's building another one right now with precision adjustments on x, y, and rotation. Here is a video of a previous version:

The PDF describes a simple platform for fluting:
http://nebula.wsimg.com/c797ba8e3ec0e4fd68a4cb56a318bf4a?AccessKeyId=8E1EC 0DC707F1FE36FCB&disposition=0
If for some reason it doesn't load, try googling "john lucas router"

John has discussed routers and lathes often on another woodturning forum.


Peter Fabricius
01-12-2016, 10:05 AM
Is this what you have in mind?

Peter F.

john taliaferro
01-12-2016, 10:13 AM
Virgil Leih used a hole rool of duct tape . I made one out of alum and use it a lot ,swinging on an arm to flatten small tables , to cut the bottom of large hollow forms where the faceplate was bolted . Harvey Fein is a good place to spend time lots of good stuff .

Dick Mahany
01-12-2016, 11:51 AM
I made a router jig that has many different uses on the lathe such as fluting, veining, incising and more. It's for lighter duty work and won't handle heavy duty operations that need a larger router. I have a free dimensioned Sketchup plan if interested, just PM me. You can see more pics here: https://picasaweb.google.com/dmshopshots/LatheFlutingIncisingJigForRouter


carl mesaros
01-12-2016, 7:00 PM
Thank you all for the information. Lot's of good ideas.
Learned a lot from the John Lucas video, very interesting.

David Delo
01-12-2016, 7:28 PM
If your looking for a store bought solution, Woodworkers Emporium carries the Vermec ACC-287 router holder for 173 bucks. Never used or seen one but looks top quality like most everything else they make.

Enrico Caruso
01-13-2016, 12:37 AM
Carl, while I am not sure what you intend to make with the setup, I can suggest a Sears Router Crafter to do all the decorative patterns that would want on a spindle. They are semi-vintage from the '80s. I have one and it can do rope twist spirals, fluting and circular cuts, etc. They can be obtained on eBay any day of the week. If you want to see mine, come up to Stow, OH. I recently posted photos of a six drawer spool cabinet with half columns decorated with rope twist spirals and other decorative cuts.
Enrico Caruso

Jon McElwain
01-13-2016, 3:45 PM
I've never tried to mount a router, but I've built several coat racks and chair or table legs that needed mortises. I used a $50 bench-top drill press clamped to the lathe ways for the first few. I know it sounds a little jerry-rigged, but it worked pretty well for no additional cost because I used tools I already had.. More recently I bought a Oneway drill wizard that takes an electric drill and has a plunge mechanism for drilling holes and such. It works really well (as long as the forsner or brad point bit is very sharp) and I can give it a solid recommendation.