View Full Version : Grain Orientation - Gluing a Segmented Ring to a Glue Block

Glen Blanchard
01-11-2016, 8:49 PM
I will be mounting my first segmented piece and have a question. My plan is to glue up ring by ring using the lathe to center each ring. The base of the bowl is a ring with 16 segments. My plan is to glue this to a glue block with Titebond and that is where my question comes in. Since the bottom ring is segmented, gluing it to a glue block will result in some cross grain gluing. Is this typically how it's done? I presume that mounting a segmented ring to a glue block in this fashion is likely not be a problem as the glue block only needs to hold for a few hours as it is a temporary fixture. Is this correct or is it a mistake to rely on a glue-up like this even for a short period of time?

Allan Ferguson
01-11-2016, 9:40 PM
I have done three this way without any issues. It is end grain glue ups that are problematic. Allan

Michelle Rich
01-12-2016, 7:17 AM
you will be fine..carry on and have fun!