View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
01-11-2016, 8:34 AM
11 Jan 2016

Good Morning Everyone,
Woke up this morning to a reading of 15 degrees F outside. Now..I know by some of you that even that temp is warm compared to some of you but it's pretty cold for here. :)
Oncall duty starts today but the weekend we got some house cleaning done, got firewood added to the wood pile, spent some good fun time with visiting friends, and the LOML and I working through documenting out workouts since we are now working out at a local fitness center. We are both feeling better but are sore from time to time due to the exercises we are doing with weights and such. We've learned to really like the Hydromassage beds after the workout sessions and that has made a lot of difference to our recoveries from working out. Love those things!!!!

Found out that the LOML Jr is expecting our very first grandchild and we are ALL excited!! :)
Now I need to get busy and make her a cradle!

Back to the grindstone this morning and that's all from me...so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Bill Adamsen
01-11-2016, 12:14 PM
Made a boom for one of our little racing sailboats. Had ordered a knife for "hollowing" out the section from CT Saw. Hollowed out the outsides, cut in half and glued the matching sections up. Small amount of additional fixing mistakes, milling, sanding and finishing. It weighs in about 25% less than a comparable solid boom, though more than I calculated it should weigh. I milled it to leave certain through unit attachments points solid, and the impact on weight was greater than I estimated. I am happy with the result and excited at the prospect of making a few more.

Chris Hachet
01-11-2016, 2:10 PM
Built a face frame for a base cabinet *(sink base) for a set of kitchen cabinets I am building. Also, progress on a new work bench, and starting to lay out a craftsman style book shelf I want to build...

Chris Hachet
01-11-2016, 2:11 PM
Oh, and congrats on the grandkid!

Jim Becker
01-11-2016, 2:38 PM
I finished up some additional shop cleaning and organization, hung a couple of new LED fixtures (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?239565-Some-updated-shop-lighting) and got started on my next project...a very tall buffet/hutch for our dining area.

And, Dennis...I was very pleased to hear the news from your daughter! Congrats!

Mike Ontko
01-11-2016, 3:21 PM
Dennis, congratulations on the latest addition!

Before starting on my cherry and fir bookcase project, I thought I'd put together another 'quick' (famous last words, right?) bookcase project for my #2 daughter's upcoming birthday. It's going to be similar to this IKEA Valje Shelf Unit (http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/20279609/), but I'm doing it using birch plywood with a combination of paint and CVG fir veneer. I was able to resaw 4/4 rough boards down to a rough 1/4", but I don't have a drum sander to get them down to a uniform 3/32" for suitable use as veneer. After a little research, I decided to build a raised surface for the bed of my DW735 planer (pics to follow later). It's nothing fancy; just a length of premade melamine shelving that I picked up from HD, with stops screwed in to hold it in place over the ends of the infeed and outfeed supports. It works great too--I just feed the 1/4" stock through, keeping the depth of cut just to about 1/64th so I don't have to worry about the whole thing getting chewed up. Several test pieces went through just fine, so I'll resaw my supply of fir boards and then run them through after cutting all of the plywood pieces to final dimension tonight.

Pics of planer sled (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-cNNU-Jn4O8aWx6R1l3MEloSFk) (points to my Google Drive)

Chris Hachet
01-11-2016, 3:25 PM
Dennis, congratulations on the latest addition!

Before starting on my cherry and fir bookcase project, I thought I'd put together another 'quick' (famous last words, right?) bookcase project for my #2 daughter's upcoming birthday. It's going to be similar to this IKEA Valje Shelf Unit (http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/20279609/), but I'm doing it using birch plywood with a combination of paint and CVG fir veneer. I was able to resaw 4/4 rough boards down to a rough 1/4", but I don't have a drum sander to get them down to a uniform 3/32" for suitable use as veneer. After a little research, I decided to build a raised surface for the bed of my DW735 planer (pics to follow later). It's nothing fancy; just a length of premade melamine shelving that I picked up from HD, with stops screwed in to hold it in place over the ends of the infeed and outfeed supports. It works great too--I just feed the 1/4" stock through, keeping the depth of cut just to about 1/64th so I don't have to worry about the whole thing getting chewed up. Several test pieces went through just fine, so I'll resaw my supply of fir boards and then run them through after cutting all of the plywood pieces to final dimension tonight.

Seems like it will have a nice modern design...

Mike Ontko
01-11-2016, 3:47 PM
Seems like it will have a nice modern design...

Yep. While I've pondered the kinds of things I want to spend my time building, I've found that my leanings are more (but not entirely) towards Scandinavian designs. I'm not too excited by Mid Century Modern, but that's pretty much what you find if you look up "Scandinavian design" and is definitely what IKEA stuff is. Hans Wegner is one designer/maker that strikes a resonant chord.

Matt Schrum
01-11-2016, 4:30 PM
I finished the ducting to my solar air heater and finally had a sunny day to test it out. With it being 18F outside, the air my fan was pulling and dumping into the shop was about 75F! Not too bad-- while I don't have an electric heater in my shop, it is insulated, so a few days of sunshine and it should be a whole lot more comfortable working out there :)