View Full Version : My New* Delta Band Saw From 1947

Peter Hartman
01-07-2016, 8:24 AM
I just picked this guy up and thought I would show it off::



Tom M King
01-07-2016, 8:36 AM
Nice! The top half of mine is from that era, but it's not nearly as pretty as yours. It works great though.

Eduard Nemirovsky
01-07-2016, 9:52 AM
It is good restoration or museum artifact?


Chris Hachet
01-07-2016, 10:11 AM
Highly jealous, would love to fine one in anything approaching that kind of condition....

Mike Wilkins
01-07-2016, 11:02 AM
I am not seeing any photos. Did those UFO's take over my laptop again?

Bruce Page
01-07-2016, 1:05 PM
Nice! Love that big ol' motor!

glenn bradley
01-07-2016, 1:07 PM
Sweet! Looks like Grandpa's saw ;-)

Andrew Hughes
01-07-2016, 1:13 PM
That nice I'd trade my whole ugly yellow powermatic saw for just a knob from that beauty.

Peter Hartman
01-07-2016, 1:41 PM
It is good restoration or museum artifact?


Haha this one is definitely getting used. I have an old Delta riser block on the way. I process a lot a firewood on my saw so the extra height will come in extremely handy.

Tom Deutsch
01-07-2016, 3:46 PM
I have one almost identical (but not restored like yours.) They sold a lot of these old "battleships" for a reason. They are strong-framed, easy to adjust and maintain. Great find. Now you need a retirement light for it. LOL

Allan Speers
01-07-2016, 3:53 PM
How does that first picture NOT put a smile on your face?


Charles Lent
01-07-2016, 7:25 PM
OK, now you've got to tell us how you came into owning this beauty, or did you rebuild it yourself?


Bill Orbine
01-07-2016, 7:41 PM
Back in the day Delta didn't junk. Good Stuff! Looks great!

Wakahisa Shinta
01-07-2016, 8:23 PM
That band saw looks new. It hasn't a scratch on it! So, what's the story?

David Kumm
01-07-2016, 8:31 PM
Great job. the owwm guys will love it. I appreciate how you didn't paint over the nuts and bolts and didn't get carried away putting bondo on the casting. The one rusty bolt does look out of place. Just kidding. Dave

Peter Hartman
01-07-2016, 10:35 PM
OK, now you've got to tell us how you came into owning this beauty, or did you rebuild it yourself?


I found it on Craigslist. I paid $250 for it. The last owner bought it and restored it, then found a wood/metal version and decided to sell this.

mark kosse
01-07-2016, 10:48 PM
Nice, I have the same one. Is the belt guard an osb repro?

Peter Hartman
01-08-2016, 4:47 AM
Nice, I have the same one. Is the belt guard an osb repro?

The guard has me stumped. It seems to be a combination of aluminum and some sort of wood. It is painted well so it is hard to tell.