View Full Version : Couple of Peppermills

Pat Scott
01-04-2016, 4:22 PM
Turned a couple of peppermills recently. Some of these were suppose to be Christmas presents, but that obviously didn't happen. Then again, I wasn't told which Christmas.

From L to R: Honey Locust, Madrone Burl, Spalted Silver Maple, Fiddleback Silver Maple, and Black Walnut. Sizes range from 8.5" to 10" tall.

328582 328572 328574 328583 328573 328575

Honey Locust is a dense, hard, wood, and at 10" tall the mill is a little heavier than I'd like. I have more Honey Locust blanks, but I think I'll try a 8" mill next to see if it lightens up a bit.

I think Madrone Burl is my new favorite wood to turn. It cut and sanded easily, but the finish is silky smooth - smoother than a babies bottom. I didn't do anything different to it than the others, but boy did the wood respond well. I can't keep from rubbing it all over is so sexy smooth! I've got several more blanks of it so I can't wait to see how they look.

The Spalted Maple was a big piece that I've had sitting in my yard waiting to cut and split for firewood. I could tell it had some figure, but the cracks from sitting uncovered in the weather were frequent and deep. At the last minute I decided to try and salvage a few blanks. It's got some cool figure so I'm glad I didn't burn it all.

john snowdon
01-04-2016, 4:28 PM
These are all beautiful, Pat! The Madrone and Spalted Maple really stand out to me. I've got the mechanisms to try these but have not had the time. You've inspired me to do so. Thanks for sharing.

Alan Arnup
01-05-2016, 12:53 AM
Great work Pat! They all have their own beauty within
and you should be proud of your efforts.
