View Full Version : Final piece for 2015

Bruce Jones
12-31-2015, 3:31 PM
This was some material I had put together when making the vase I posted a few days ago; This one is 10" d x 6 1/2" tall Pompele Sapele & Tiger Maple, It's hard to see but it's under cut and it's about 1/4" Thick except the base.


Adam Petersen
12-31-2015, 6:47 PM
You are a busy dude. And I'm quite jealous of your figured wood supply. Very nice piece.

Brian Kent
12-31-2015, 7:06 PM
Bruce there's a hole in your bowl!

David Delo
12-31-2015, 7:27 PM
You got some big worms down there in Baltimore.

John Grace
12-31-2015, 8:26 PM
Bruce...I really like the segmenting and colors though I'm 'mixed' over the holes. Was that planned all along? Cheers from Bel Air, MD...John

robert baccus
12-31-2015, 9:57 PM
Congrats---truly art.

Terry Hatfield
12-31-2015, 10:54 PM
Love the design! Very cool!

Bruce Jones
01-01-2016, 12:11 PM
Thank you everybody Yes the holes were planned all along; how ever this project was completely cut apart and restarted the first idea was very different then I came up w/ this idea and now have several more ideas for bowls / baskets. Oh I'm not in Baltimore anymore A Little farther west & north in Pleasant Valley MD.
