View Full Version : How long before wax after danish oil?

Clay Parrish
12-30-2015, 4:28 PM
I made a little beer caddy out of red oak and finished it with 3 or 4 coats of watco danish oil over several days, with the last coat about 2.5 days ago. It has been at or above 70 F for all that time. I would like to add a floor wax coat with 0000 steel wool, but I can still get a whiff of the oil, so I was concerned it was too soon.

Should I wait longer before I wax the piece? Should I wax it?

John TenEyck
12-30-2015, 4:32 PM
I would wait at least a week. Also, I would not use steel wool if it's oak, any oak. The steel fibers will get stuck in the grain and will form black spots over time when they react with the wood. I would use a synthetic pad.

Should you wax it? Up to you. It does nothing for protection, but it sure feels nice.


Prashun Patel
12-30-2015, 4:36 PM
I haven't had luck with steel wool on oak. I humbly don't think wax will improve the look or feel of a DO finish. I would instead sand your mug with fine sandpaper (like 600) and then 'wax' with the danish oil. That is, wipe it on thin, wait a few mins, then buff it off.

Clay Parrish
12-31-2015, 2:47 PM
Thank you!

Jerry Olexa
01-01-2016, 10:24 PM
I'd wait till you can no longer smell the oil..Then give in another day or two before waxing

Brian Henderson
01-01-2016, 10:45 PM
Wait until it is completely dry. As others have said, at least 5-7 days, wait until you think it's dry, then give it another day or two to be sure. And I would stay away from steel wool as well, it can stain the oak. Wax isn't going to be a particularly durable finish anyhow.