View Full Version : Shapton stone holder

Andrew Hughes
12-22-2015, 1:55 PM
Thought I share my new pine stone holder.Its a good easy project for practicing Dt.And it's okay if it doesn't come out perfect.I like storeing my stones vertically to dry I use a lot of water so they get pretty wet.
My new one has a little storeage for sharpie markers and stuff.
My old one took a couple spills.Kinda beatup.

Patrick Chase
12-22-2015, 9:28 PM
Looks to me like you need a 220, a 320, a 1500, an 8K, and a 30K. Then your life will be complete and you will want for nothing :-)

I'm assuming the white one on the end is a 120, though it's hard to tell.

Andrew Hughes
12-22-2015, 11:48 PM
Your right I am missing the courser stones.I do use a diamond plate and grinder.The white one is a 30k .50 m
I think I'm going to try the sigma stuff when these wear thin.Wont take me long.