View Full Version : Reasonably priced veneer sources?

Steve Rozmiarek
12-21-2015, 8:48 AM
It's been a while since I bought veneer apparently, I was shocked by the prices I'm finding on quartersawn white oak. Anyone have any good leads they'd share? Most of what I can find is paper backed, which I'd rather not use. Used to be that slicing my own always costed more, factoring in time, but maybe that has changed.

Bill Adamsen
12-21-2015, 8:51 AM
Berkshire veneer. Easiest to buy in person, but they do have images on-line that should help. Very knowledgeable and helpful if you call. They have rift in addition to quartersawn.

Steve Rozmiarek
12-21-2015, 8:59 AM
Thanks Bill, I'll call them.

Bill Orbine
12-21-2015, 9:00 AM
See if Certainly Wood in East Aurora, NY has it for you reasonably: https://www.certainlywood.com/

Mike Henderson
12-21-2015, 9:50 AM
And B&B Rare Wood (http://www.wood-veneers.com/) in CO. Reasonably priced but may not carry quarter oak.

[They do, see here (http://www.wood-veneers.com/veneer_extra0015.html) down on the page.]

Also good experience with Certainly Wood.


John TenEyck
12-21-2015, 10:50 AM
I use Certainly Wood. Always got exactly what I wanted with great service. But I agree that the price of veneer is nearly as much as a piece of solid 4/4 stock sometimes, or at least half as much, so I've taken to cutting my own shop sawn veneer most of the time now. My time isn't really money so I'm way ahead as far as keeping my materials costs down. I make it 1/16" thick which is a lot more durable than sliced veneer at 1/32 - 1/40".


Jay Jolliffe
12-21-2015, 11:14 AM
Certainly Wood has always been great people to deal with..

Jim Ringo
12-21-2015, 12:21 PM
Another rec for Certainly Wood... they've been great to work with

Keith Hankins
12-21-2015, 12:24 PM
I use veneer supplies. Great service and quick turn around. Shoot him a note and he will respond. I built his press from plans great guy.


peter gagliardi
12-21-2015, 12:45 PM
My recommendation is for Berkshire Venner as well.
Ben, the owner is a stand-up guy for sure.
Plus he is a member of my local woodworkers guild here in the Berkshires. Just had our guild end of year/holiday party at his place.

David Zaret
12-21-2015, 1:19 PM
i'm a big fan (and customer) of certainly wood. great products, even better service.

Jeffrey Martel
12-21-2015, 2:19 PM
Another +1 to Certainly wood. The downside though is that you buy full lengths of veneers. Some pieces that I've bought from them have been 12' long. It's not like buying a small 3sqft pack from Rockler or Woodcraft where it comes pre-cut into 12x6" sizes.