View Full Version : Tool gloat

Ernie Nyvall
09-04-2005, 11:16 PM
I brought home a 5/8 Ellsworth bowl gouge with the long grind ( they may all have that grind???) ,and for those of you who have one or the same grind on another brand, is that SWEET or what. I can't believe the difference in the ease with which it cuts. Man, have I been wasting a lot of time. Well... maybe not, because noticing the difference in my little one with the short grind and the Ellsworth made me realize how huge a catch could be if I weren't careful. I went back and watched the Bill Grumbine tape again and so far so good. The weight of it is nice too and the length of the handle is great. It just takes the wood off soooo smoooooth.
I guess you can tell I'm sort of okay with my new purchase. It'll do.


Dick Parr
09-05-2005, 7:41 AM
Congratulations Ernie, you will love the gouge from here on out. I have a couple with that grind and they are sweet.

Enjoy it :)

Jim Ketron
09-05-2005, 9:48 AM
I have ground all My bowl gouges with that grind. might take a bit to get use to it, but I bet it will soon become your favorite grind.

Congrats on your new bowl gouge thats a nice one!

Jim Becker
09-05-2005, 12:37 PM
I have three of them and you couldn't pry them from my shop if you tried! The great thing about this kind of grind is the versatility. You can use ONE tool to do nearly 90% of your work. That means the cost is truly smaller than having bunches of tools to do the same things. (I have three to reduce the interruption for sharpening and keep the concentration on the form keen)

Jack Savona
09-05-2005, 1:36 PM
But, Jim, why is it, for the other 10 percent of the work, I seem to need so many other tools? :confused:

Jim Ketron
09-05-2005, 2:00 PM
I agree with Jim B! I use my Bowl gouges to do at least 90%- 95% or more. I use a parting tool to true up my tennon and sometimes a bowl scraper on the inside the rest is using a Bowl gouge.

Jim Becker
09-05-2005, 2:10 PM
But, Jim, why is it, for the other 10 percent of the work, I seem to need so many other tools?

It's some kind of natural rule or something...perhaps nature gets a cut of the till at the tooling store... :D

Carole Valentine
09-05-2005, 10:59 PM
I have reground all my gouges too. Love that grind.