View Full Version : When A Glass Stop Pin Goes Awry

Bill Adamsen
12-14-2015, 11:13 AM
Why when using 3/8" glass stop one should just use 1/2" pins right? Eighteen doors and only one miss, but why couldn't it have been on the inside? Anyway the finish is ML Campbell Krystal ... a conversion varnish over ML Cambell's Woodsong II stain. I was wondering if I could sand oh so lightly (220# grit?), and use an airbrush to lay down a few layers just in that zone after masking off the glass? I sprayed the faces yesterday (two coats, about 4 mil total). I really want to patch this and not have to remove the glass. Suggestions?

Scott Holmes
12-14-2015, 4:02 PM
Air brush or maybe even a small artist brush. Then I would spray another coat over the entire rail.

Bill Adamsen
12-14-2015, 7:35 PM
I spoke to the folks at MCL Campbell and they reminded me that with a post catalyzed finish, there would be no chemical bond. The engineer recommended sanding a very limited area with 320 grit for adhesion (he was not especially encouraging). As Scott suggested, I used a high quality airbrush, first having sanded about a thumbprint sized section as recommended by ML Campbell. I masked off the area and sprayed two coats with the airbrush. When cured, flattened via sanding (600 grit) and then used Festool Platin at 1000->2000->4000 and a light polish. One can easily overdo the polish, but to my eye the blemish has virtually disappeared.

Scott Holmes
12-14-2015, 8:35 PM
Very nice job on the repair.

glenn bradley
12-14-2015, 9:25 PM
Yes! Good save. If one didn't know, you wouldn't even look twice.