View Full Version : Finials

Peter Blair
12-14-2015, 10:30 AM
I have tried, honestly I have.
I pretty sure that in the past there was a great article or thread that might have been put into an article on the steps many use to 'build' a finial. I am not referring to the actually making although that may have been included my memory is that it was a great instructional on how to attain a good flow front he form through the finial as well as how to incorporate different types and sizes of wood.
Can any of you point me in the right direction?

John Keeton
12-14-2015, 10:50 AM
Peter, I sent you a PM.

Dave Cullen
12-14-2015, 3:34 PM
Cindy Drozda is a resource and mentor in making finials. Some of her musings on the subject are here: http://www.cindydrozda.com/handouts_Pdfs/handouts/FinialArticle.pdf

And someone did an analysis of the form and proportions of her style here: http://web.hypersurf.com/~charlie2/Turning/DrozdaOnionFinial/DrozdaOnionFinialProport1.html

Way outside my skill set.

Peter Blair
12-15-2015, 9:43 AM
Thanks guys. I now have lots of ideas.
Strange though to me that I was sure it was here that there had been an extensive thread created on this subject?

Update:since I wrote the above I went over to Woodturners Unlimited and low and behold in the Tutorial section is the information I had been seeking.