View Full Version : Finished new saw

Cody Cantrell
12-12-2015, 8:05 AM
Well found some time to finish up the little saw I posted about last week. I used Osage Orange for the tote and re purposed a saw plate from a 10 point handsaw. The dimensions for the plate and hang of the saw came from the picture in the ebay listing. The tote is modeled after a Moses Eadon dovetail saw tote that I like. The bolts are made from 1/2" & 3/4" brass round bar and 10-24 brass screws. Leaves a nice smooth surface but seems like it could use just a fuzz more set. Dont know if it will replace my carcase saw as my go to cut off saw at the bemnch but it will getits fair share of use, let me know your thoughts.

Frederick Skelly
12-12-2015, 8:22 AM
I like it Cody. I've read that Orange Osage is hard to work - did you find it so when makiing the handle? It was clever to reuse the old saw plate - I hadn't thought of that.

If it cuts smoothly, easily and feels good in your hand, it sounds like a winner to me. Well done!


Jim Davis
12-12-2015, 9:45 AM
Nice work. I'm curious about the 10-24 screws. It looks like the brass stock was turned down to No. 10 screw size and threaded. Is that what you did?

lowell holmes
12-12-2015, 9:50 AM
The saw nuts caught my eye as well as the Osage Orange. You must have a lathe to make screws. I would have to use "store bought" screws.

Where can I find Sage Orange?

Cody Cantrell
12-12-2015, 9:58 AM
Frederick Osage can be a littley chippy but it isnt bad to work. I really like it on the lathe.

Jim I just used the method off Norse wordsmiths site and soldered the 10-24 screws into the rod after I tapped it.

Lowell, I find all of my Osage growing behind the house in fence rows.

Jim Davis
12-12-2015, 1:49 PM
Osage always gets my attention too. I make archery bows out of it when I can find a good log. When traveling through Tennessee recently, I got out of the car at a gas station to stretch my legs. Without even thinking about Osage, I walked directly to a big one along a creek bank. I looked up and thought, "That looks like Osage." Looked down, and sure enough, yellow horse apples on the ground.

Cody Cantrell
12-12-2015, 5:27 PM
Jim that is how my love affair started with Osage as well, started making bows with it in the 8th grade. Once I got a workable one havent used anything else since. Plus it is great for tool handles.