View Full Version : Charles Neil's Blotch Control

Jerry Thompson
12-07-2015, 3:20 PM
I used this product on poplar to prevent blotching of dye. It worked great. Now I have a cherry panel that shows it will blotch evidenced by MS being put on it. There are several chevron appearing areas that really have soaked up the MS and have yet to dry after about 30 min.
I am going to us tung oil on whole project, a clock, and wonder if I use the blotch control if it would even things out.
Then would I have to use it on all of the wood. Most of it appears to not be subject to blotching.
The tung oil has been polymerized.
Thank you.

Robert Maloney
12-07-2015, 4:33 PM
Yes it should prevent it from blotching. I've used it on Cherry several times with no issue. Be sure to do a test piece. Better yet just email Charles and he will answer any of your questions. He's really good like that.

Jerry Thompson
12-07-2015, 5:15 PM
I just put the first coat on a test piece. I will give a report when I get the tung oil on probably tomorrow afternoon.

Bill McNiel
12-07-2015, 9:41 PM
I would suggest two coats of CN Blotch Control on cherry.

Jerry Thompson
12-08-2015, 8:34 AM
I followed the directions on applying the blotch control. I put on one coat and let is sit for an hour. I used steel wool to knock off the nibs, cleaned it off and applied the 2nd coat. This sat overnight. This AM I de-nibbed it and applied a coat of tung oil and let it soak in for about 5 min.
I wiped it down and all is good. I took it out side into the sun light and I can detect no evidence of blotching.
When the clock is assembled I will post a picture.