View Full Version : Two More for Linda

Bruce Shiverdecker
09-03-2005, 12:19 AM
Took the Cherry Candle Holder to a meeting. Brought it home. Got a call. It was sold. So had to make some more.

The first is made from Hackberry and the second one is Walnut (this one could be a Goblet, too.

Thanks for lookin'
Bruce ;)

Rich Stewart
09-03-2005, 1:47 AM
I really like those candle holders. Do you gather your own blanks or does somebody sell blanks that big? Seems like 2 X 2 is as big as I can find.

Chris Barton
09-03-2005, 8:11 AM
Hey Bruce,

Great looking turnings. I have been considering doing some of those! Now I have the inspiration!


Bruce Shiverdecker
09-03-2005, 8:32 PM
Thanks for the comments, folks.

Rich, to get blanks this big that you can affort, you have to go into the woods. This is almost all I use. I find downed timber, chain saw it, dry it, then turn it. I'm lucky in that people keep coming to me with trees and long dead logs. As a matter of fact, I have gotten so much that LOML has said that I can't take any more till I sell some of it off.

I sold about 60 pen blanks at a symposium last month and have been turning like crazy to get rid of more. I'll be spending a lot of time in the shop this winter using up more.

Bruce ;)

Linda Creatore
09-04-2005, 3:12 AM

Oh, yes, these are so beautiful...if the "two more for Linda" was for me....gosh, thanks! I really do like your "style." Very fluid yet solid.

Saw the "secret compartment" one as well! Another winner!

Can you point me to any threads where you show your tea light candle holders?

Take care,

Michael Stafford
09-04-2005, 5:52 AM
Bruce, you dog. Now you have the women oohing and aahing over your work. You can never tell about the quiet guys.... Nice candleholders and great gift ideas... :D

John Hart
09-04-2005, 7:25 AM
Very nice Bruce!! (and in the other thread too) I glad someone started doing these. I keep hearing that these are a big seller and I think you're on to something. I especially like the hidden compartment idea!

Ernie Nyvall
09-04-2005, 9:18 AM
Nice work Bruce and congrats on the sale.
I have some hackberry that I am going to have to cut down and didn't know if it would be worth turning. Thanks for the pics.


Jason Solodow
09-04-2005, 9:33 AM
Bruce, how do you dry the blanks that size without checking? I've tried just leaving them square with some anchorseal on each end, and I've tried turning them round then coating the ends with anchorseal. Either way though, it still takes a long time for them to dry. Since I want to be turning peppermills and candle holders, I'd like them to dry a little faster.


Bruce Shiverdecker
09-04-2005, 4:30 PM

To be honest, I'm not at all proud of the Tea candle holders. I was trying to get something CHEEP to have with me and to be honest..........they look it. I used cedar (not aromatic) and the finish is Not something I like. I am pulling them from inventory and going to replace them with a Classy version. I have to be proud of what I put out, even if it doesn't sell. I don't feel comfortable with something that looks like the ones in the pictures.

As far as drying goes, Jason, you're right. I try to cut blanks into pieces close to what I am going to turn, then let them sit in my shed, garage, or storage boxes, with the ends painted with several coats of latex paint.(1 year per inch of thickness) It doesn't work as well as anchorseal, but at $3.00 a gallon for "Color Booboo's" I'll take the inch or two I lose in length - at least for now.

Ernie: Hackberry can be very nice. It has a grain structure that shows up like woven fabric, sometimes. When you cut it up, cut some on the diagonal. That will give you more figure, as it doesn't have a lot then straight cut.
