View Full Version : TRUE parabolic bowl gouges

allen thunem
12-03-2015, 2:40 PM
Would like to know who makes a TRUE PARABOLIC BOWL GOUGE.

not looking for comparisons between parabolic and "U" & "V" GOUGES
Just who the manufacturers are.
sorry if this had been asked before but can't seem to find any previous threads. probably not putting the right words in the search bar

Reed Gray
12-03-2015, 3:35 PM
Lyle Jamieson has a signature one that is made by Doug Thompson, and only sold by Lyle. I believe Oneway has some as well. I am sure there are others like the Glen Lucas signature gouges. I would love to see a video or presentation on what the perceived performance differences are between V flutes, U flutes, and parabolic flutes, Oh My!

robo hippy

Thom Sturgill
12-03-2015, 3:41 PM
American manufacturers:
Thompson makes U and V gouges uses V11 or V12 metal. Carter and Son make a V gouge and D-Way makes a parabolic, both use M42 Colbalt steel. Glaser Hi-Tec uses V15 and makes an oval flute which should be VERY close to the parabolic. Lyle Jameison did sell a parabolic, but now has his gouges made by Doug Thompson and appeared to be straight sided V gouges when i saw them at the Georgia Symposium.

Crown makes a parabolic M2 HSS For David Ellsworth, and also sells the Ellsworth gouge in the Crown Pro-PM line. Sorby also uses a parabolic or oval flute (hard to tell looking at it). Probably M2 steel.

Hope that helps.

Thom Sturgill
12-03-2015, 3:47 PM
Lyle Jamieson has a signature one that is made by Doug Thompson, and only sold by Lyle. I believe Oneway has some as well. I am sure there are others like the Glen Lucas signature gouges. I would love to see a video or presentation on what the perceived performance differences are between V flutes, U flutes, and parabolic flutes, Oh My!

robo hippy

Sounds like a good project for someone that does videos...
My perception is that the 'sweet spot' at the nose is smaller with Clewes signature gouge and gets progressively larger as you go to normal V, parabolic or oval, to U shaped while the wing length (for the same angle) decreases. Also the parabolic or oval is just a hair more forgiving if you grind the wing too straight as they bow slightly sideways.

Shawn Pachlhofer
12-03-2015, 4:21 PM
In addition to above, the Craft Supplies "Artisan" Superflute and Henry Taylor Superflute are parabolic - or very close to it.

Bill Blasic
12-04-2015, 7:57 AM
Like Robo I would like to see what difference there is between a V and a parabolic besides hearing that "I prefer the parabolic flute". At least Jimmy Clewes explains to you why he likes the deeper flute of his named gouges. All of or most of the pros can cut wood with any tool you throw at them. You have your name on a tool you are not going to say you like something different. There is nothing wrong from making money by selling your named tools.