View Full Version : Chucks: SuperNova 2 vs SC4?

Dan Case LR
12-02-2015, 3:14 PM
It's my understanding that the Record Power SC4 is a clone of the SuperNova 2. Of the two, which is better built? I can buy the SuperNova at much better pricing than the SC4. Is there anything about the SC4 that makes it worth the extra $$?



Thom Sturgill
12-02-2015, 4:49 PM
While the record SC3/SC4 are jaw compatible with the Nova G3/SN2 and are similar in appearance, the ads say the Record chucks tighten 'normally', a reference, I think, to the fact that with the Nova chucks you turn the key to the left to close the jaws. I take this and the numbers from the jaw tables to believe that the engineers who designed the Nova chucks think they should be used in expansion mode rather than compression.

Since many believe the novas are backwards this may be worth a few bucks. Since I am happy with my novas, it would keep me from buying a Record.

David Walser
12-02-2015, 5:41 PM
Since I don't have a SN2 chuck, I cannot compare it to the SC4. However, my understanding is that the jaw sliders on the SC4 are larger (thicker, beefier) than those on the SN2. Record Power's claim is that this makes the chuck more durable and smoother operating.

Mike Peace
12-02-2015, 9:08 PM
You might check out my review of the SC4 chuck on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3UB6fuQNwc
I like it better than the Teknatool SN2 which I own.