View Full Version : Placed on hold until after Turkey Day...

steven c newman
11-26-2015, 10:24 AM
Got MOST of the tenons cut to size last night..

Stacked all the parts on the bench's top..
And even figured out HOW to set a fancy plane:eek:
But with Turkey Day today, and the Shopping Day tomorrow....no shop time til the weekend

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody..:D

steven c newman
11-27-2015, 10:43 PM
Well, just had to try a bit.....got all the tenons cut
Used some curved scrap to hold parts in the vise..
had to trim it back a bit, to clear a saw...
tried to chop a few mortises..
On the flat side, wasn't too bad...on the curved side was a bit different
Things started to go badly, parts were getting switched back and forth, dropping onto the floor. Decicded to just glue up ONE assembly for now, and see where I'm at after that
Sooo, what we are looking at....In the pipe clamp is two legs, and an upper apron. You are also looking at the underside of the table's top. The short aprons are not glued up..yet. The other two legs need mortises chopped. The "bottom" stretcher is there to keep the legs halfway straight. Need one mortise dug out there as well. laid the bottom shelf on the pile...
And found out I'll need breadboard ends to "stretch" it long enough. It is supposed to go to just beyond the legs. Well, maybe I can work on it a bit Sunday???

steven c newman
11-29-2015, 11:30 PM
Gave a go, again. Figured I could at least chop mortises in the other two legs for the long rails.....
Turns out that there was abi of sap wood, lurking in the other leg. Almost could have dug a mortise in it with me fingernail. Test fit the two legs.
Yeah. Figured I could at least glue this mess up, and maybe chop the remainder of the mortises later..
had to use the Micro-adjuster to get the clamps and parts to sit flat.....7oz hammer worked. Added a 1' nail into each joint. Some got two. Diagonals were...1/16" off from each other, I suppose that will just have to do.

While doing all that chisel work, decided to try out a new shop tool..
It will just fit under the bench when not in use. A bit easier on the rearend than sitting on Tool Chest'#1's lid.

Wasn't a whole lot more to do, until after the glue cures, so I stacked things back up...
There is a piece clear up on top, I'll mill it down into one bread board edge. Will have to rip a few more out of the "left-overs"
might be enough there?

Errands to run tomorrow....maybe Tuesday I can try again to build a table?

steven c newman
12-01-2015, 3:01 PM
pulled a late-nighter, again. Gave the new shop stool a good try out, too
Since this is where I can just sit and chop a few of these things
This is after I went and made sure which part went where....had one bass-ackwards..
got a few tools back out..
1/4" New Haven Edge Tool mortise chisel, and a mallet. Then just sit and chop. Rotate to the next spot, double checking parts to make sure that one goes here, and not over there..
Got three out of four chopped out and fitted, brought the other frame over to see how things were lining up..
Ok, still had one more to go, had to sit the frame aside, as it interfered with my swing of the mallet....had to slide the shop stool down to the other end. Chopped out #4 and got the frame back on top.

Things seemed to fit..ok, a couple of corner brackets to stiffen the corner joints, and keep them square will be when I glue things together. Until the next time I can wander down there, I will just stack all of the parts in one place. The Boss hates it when I leave MY stuff on HER washer..
yeah, yeah, that corner leans a bit. Brackets to hold the corners square will be a part of the glue up. Hoping I have enough clamps to go around...

We be gaining on it...SLOWLY.

steven c newman
12-01-2015, 7:38 PM
Well, NOW I have a sore back...again. Must be from reading that other thread? Anyway, got the back to relax for awhile, took a few supplies to the shop..SLOWLY. laid out a few clamps. base was getting glued up.

Cleared the bench, laid the pre-set clamps where I could reach them.
Laid the table's top on the bench. needed an area the was almost flat, and large enough to do the clamps on.
Got the four on, with glue in the joints. Checked the diagonals....grabbed a fifth clamp to "pull" them back until they matched each other...@ 30-1/2" each way.
All that extra weight kind of cause the other side to rise up a bit. Wanted some sort of corner brackets, just to reinforce the joints a bit. And, NOT stick out like a sore back,.....er...THUMB...
I think these were from a yard sale this past summer. Three sets for 50 cents. They even have Stanley stamped into each part!
So, if you look closely, you will see one in place. I laid the piece for the bottom shelf on top of things for now. working out HOW I will attach the shelf...might have a way. Might involve a few curves, and a few cuts. Need to flip the table over and work on the top, as well. I haven't attached the top...yet. Then, I slowly wandered back up to my chair, turned the heating pad on high, and called it done.

Pat Barry
12-01-2015, 8:51 PM
Well, NOW I have a sore back...again. Must be from reading that other thread? Anyway, got the back to relax for awhile, took a few supplies to the shop..SLOWLY. laid out a few clamps. base was getting glued up.

Cleared the bench, laid the pre-set clamps where I could reach them.
Laid the table's top on the bench. needed an area the was almost flat, and large enough to do the clamps on.
Got the four on, with glue in the joints. Checked the diagonals....grabbed a fifth clamp to "pull" them back until they matched each other...@ 30-1/2" each way.
All that extra weight kind of cause the other side to rise up a bit. Wanted some sort of corner brackets, just to reinforce the joints a bit. And, NOT stick out like a sore back,.....er...THUMB...
I think these were from a yard sale this past summer. Three sets for 50 cents. They even have Stanley stamped into each part!
So, if you look closely, you will see one in place. I laid the piece for the bottom shelf on top of things for now. working out HOW I will attach the shelf...might have a way. Might involve a few curves, and a few cuts. Need to flip the table over and work on the top, as well. I haven't attached the top...yet. Then, I slowly wandered back up to my chair, turned the heating pad on high, and called it done.
You could use a few more of those brackets for the shelf. supports.

steven c newman
12-01-2015, 9:14 PM
well, I do have a dozen of them counting the four already in use. Right now, the shelf is wider than the strechers along the sides. I can add a bit to the end stretchers, and connect to the shelf. I'll need to notch the shelf to go around the legs. The "add-ons" might get a bit fancy......or maybe not. Not working from any sort of "Plan" other that what is inside my head....besides cobwebs....

Working on what treatment to use on the top's edges. Maybe a slight curve along the edges? Leave straight, and add just rounded corners? We'll see how it goes. BLO/Varnish mix for a finish?