View Full Version : Cherry Armoire Finally Finished! (w/pics)

Jon Farley
09-01-2005, 2:02 PM
Well I finally finished my big summer project, which was making an armoire for LOML. The carcass is cherry plywood with everything else being solid cherry. The arched crown molding and arched top raised-panel doors proved to be the biggest challenges to my intermediate woodworking skills. I plan to finish it with Minwax tung oil finish before moving it into our newly remodeled bedroom. Thanks for looking.

Don Baer
09-01-2005, 2:08 PM
The arched crown molding and arched top raised-panel doors proved to be the biggest challenges to my intermediate woodworking skills.

Wow Jon. Thats realy a great looking piece and the arched top realy makes the piece. Great job.

Donnie Raines
09-01-2005, 2:14 PM
Awesome........and I hope your bed room is on the first floor!!! :eek: :D

Mike Alagna
09-01-2005, 2:19 PM
That is beautiful. I am partial to cherry and that is just a really nice looking piece. How did you creat the curved crown. Is it in multiple pieces glued up or is it out of a solid piece.

Jon Farley
09-01-2005, 2:48 PM
That is beautiful. I am partial to cherry and that is just a really nice looking piece. How did you creat the curved crown. Is it in multiple pieces glued up or is it out of a solid piece.

It is two pieces which are screwed together from the rear, then screwed to the face frame/carcass.

Jon Farley
09-01-2005, 2:52 PM
Awesome........and I hope your bed room is on the first floor!!! :eek: :D

Fortunately it is and I modified the plans and made it 80" tall instead of 84" so I can get it through our doors easier.

Bob Winkler
09-01-2005, 2:53 PM
Super job. Please post a picture of it finished. And remember to lift with your legs...;)


James Mudler
09-01-2005, 2:56 PM
Great looking piece

Joe Unni
09-01-2005, 3:08 PM
Very nice!


Von Bickley
09-01-2005, 3:09 PM
That's a great looking piece of furniture. I'm sure that will become an heirloom. :)

Byron Trantham
09-01-2005, 3:33 PM
What can I say that has not already been said; beautiful! :D I like cherry so much and this piece demonstrates why.

David Duke
09-01-2005, 3:41 PM
Beautiful job!!
Its really a good feeling when working on a piece such as that to be able to step back and say "It's finished!!" isn't it?

Jason Tuinstra
09-01-2005, 4:25 PM
Jon, that there be a lot of cherry! Very nice!

Vaughn McMillan
09-01-2005, 4:30 PM
Awesome job, Jon. The arched crown molding really does it for me. I'll be looking forward to seeing pics when you get the finish on it.

- Vaughn

Andy Hoyt
09-01-2005, 4:34 PM
Real nice! Reminds me of the two identical cherry desks I once built for the wife and daughter. When it was all done, sanded, and ready for finishing, I decided to take a breather and go on a fishing trip. Upon my return they told me that they had taken pity on me and choose to do the finishing themselves. I groaned, said "oh really? oh shi"p", and oh boy". Went out to the shop and saw that they had painted them both black. PAINTED!

So, Jon. Until it finds its way into the house - don't let it out of your sight.

Dick Parr
09-01-2005, 6:08 PM
That is really beautiful Jon, you did a wonderful job. :)

Norman Hitt
09-01-2005, 6:13 PM
Real Nice John, it's REALLY going to look nice when you get the finish on it.

Reminds me of all the Armoires we had in the apartments in Europe, as there were NO closets except in SOME of the newer buildings. All the Armoires there were built with their special, ("Pin and twist lock fastener system", I called them) to allow a quick, complete knockdown for easy moveing through the upstairs windows, as the stairwells and elevators were usually too small. when assembled, though, you couldn't tell that they weren't all glued together like yours, unless you knew where to look on the inside.

Real nice! Reminds me of the two identical cherry desks I once built for the wife and daughter.

Went out to the shop and saw that they had painted them both black. PAINTED!
So, Jon. Until it finds its way into the house - don't let it out of your sight.

Andy, for "CERTAIN FOLKS", I have been known to ONLY make items for them using pine, poplar or plain old MDF, and then hand them a brush and a can of paint, or sometimes even just a can of spray paint and tell them, "Have at it.....I'M DONE"! Didn't take them too long to figure out why I won't waste good wood, (OR my time), on a project for them anymore. :rolleyes:

Vaughn McMillan
09-01-2005, 6:35 PM
Real nice! Reminds me of the two identical cherry desks I once built for the wife and daughter. .... Went out to the shop and saw that they had painted them both black. PAINTED!

So Andy, have the authorities found the bodies yet? :D

- Vaughn

Andy Hoyt
09-01-2005, 6:49 PM
So Andy, have the authorities found the bodies yet? :D

- Vaughn

Nope! The punishment I exacted was to mandate that before I lug those two beasts into the designated room, they'd have to paint the floor. They started in the doorway and worked themselves into the far corner. As far as I know they're still in there. That was six or seven months ago. In the meantime, I've gotten really good at cooking water and making sandwiches.

John Miliunas
09-01-2005, 6:55 PM
Holy smokes, Jon, that's awesome! Beautiful piece, all the way around. Bet the LOYL is happy as all get out!:D In a way, I wish I lived close enough to see that up close and personal. BUT, OTOH, I'd probably get enlisted to help move it, too! :eek: Very well done, Jon!:) :cool:

Gail O'Rourke
09-01-2005, 7:21 PM

Alan Turner
09-01-2005, 7:57 PM
Nice work. Did you carve the molding at the top, or did you rout or shape it?

Jim Becker
09-01-2005, 8:08 PM
Beautiful job, Jon!! That really turned out great. I think that's going to look outstanding once you get your finish on it. The recipient is a very lucky gal!

(BTW, in case you didn't know, there is NO Tung Oil in Minwax "Tung Oil Finish"...it's just wiping varnish and not all that different from their Antique Oil Finish and Wipe-On Poly)

lou sansone
09-01-2005, 9:10 PM
great job as others have said. big pieces like that seem to take forever to complete. the piece has good proportions and nice size as well.



Dominic Greco
09-01-2005, 9:36 PM
Outstanding job! I really love those curves!

Did you get the plans for that from Woodsmith #67? If so, my Dad and I built the same one in 1999, but we used Red Oak.

We built the entire thing over the summer and by Sept it was ready to move out of my basement. It took (3) of us to manuver that monster out of that place! I always will remember that as one of my favorite projects.

Greg Tatum
09-01-2005, 10:06 PM
Jon, that doesn't appear to be intermediate work....fine furniture from the looks of it...I want one ;)

Can you take some close-up pics of the arch? maybe the interior also? It is really a nice piece.


Keith Burns
09-01-2005, 10:14 PM
Absolutely wonderful Piece. Great job !

Dave Malen
09-01-2005, 10:34 PM
Love the curved top. You're really lucky you don't have a basement shop!


Keel McDonald
09-02-2005, 7:22 AM
Dang, Jon. Nice work. I can't wait to see a finished picture. Thanks for posting.

Aaron Montgomery
09-02-2005, 7:58 AM
Really nice! Be sure to post pictures again when it's finished.

Michael Gabbay
09-02-2005, 8:02 AM
Very nice. Did you use solid cherry throughout?

Jon Farley
09-02-2005, 9:31 AM
Very nice. Did you use solid cherry throughout?

I used 3/4" cherry plywood for the carcass and shelves. All the facing, molding and doors are solid cherry. The back is 1/4" cherry ply.

Jon Farley
09-02-2005, 9:36 AM
Jon, that doesn't appear to be intermediate work....fine furniture from the looks of it...I want one ;)

Can you take some close-up pics of the arch? maybe the interior also? It is really a nice piece.


Here you are Greg:

Jon Farley
09-02-2005, 10:03 AM
Thanks for all the kind compliments, guys. I couldn't figure out how to put multiple quotes on one post, so I'll just reply to three of your questions/comments without the quotes.

Alan: I routed the crown molding. The inside piece was done with a roman ogee profile, the outside piece with a roundover bit.

Jim B: I am aware that the tung oil finish is not tung oil. However, I was not aware of that when I first bought the can and used on my headboard project:confused: . Since I want the armoire to match the headboard and since I still have most of the can left, I'm going to use it up. Live and learn.

Dominic: Yes, it did come from Woodsmith 67, though I purchased the plans from the website www.plansnow.com (http://www.plansnow.com)

Christopher Stahl
09-03-2005, 1:03 PM
Jon, you did an awsome job! I'm going to have to swing by to see that sometime.
