View Full Version : Attaching french cleats to masonry

Michael Moscicki
11-18-2015, 10:30 PM
I was at the borg(home depot) and picked up a box of the following SPAX screws in the 1-1/4" length. Now I'm thinking the screws would be too short for 3/4" plywood french cleats screwed into the walls of my basement shop. I read here (http://www.confast.com/articles/installing-masonry-screws) that the screws need to go in at least an inch but no more than an 1-3/4". One section around the stairs is nice and flat(cinder blocks), while the rest appears to be natural rock wall.

Do I need to get longer screws or is 1/2" into the masonry fine?

SPAX¨ Multi-Material Construction Screws
T-STAR Plus Flat Head, Full Thread
http://www.spax.us/images/products/t-star-plus_thumb.jpg (http://www.spax.us/images/products/t-star-plus.jpg)

Drive Bit

#8 x 1-1/4"
Yellow Zinc

#8 x 1-1/2"
Yellow Zinc

#8 x 2"
Yellow Zinc

#8 x 2-1/2"
Yellow Zinc

#9 x 2-1/2"
Yellow Zinc

#9 x 3-1/4"
Yellow Zinc

#10 x 3"
Yellow Zinc

#10 x 3-1/2"
Yellow Zinc

John Lankers
11-18-2015, 10:37 PM
I said to myself before I was half done reading your post: 1/2" no way - 1" at least better 1 1/4" or 1 1/2"

Michael Moscicki
11-18-2015, 10:40 PM
Just wanted to make sure. Thank you.

Jamie Buxton
11-18-2015, 11:19 PM
You're planning to drive wood screws into natural rock? I don't think that's gonna work.

Howard Pollack
11-18-2015, 11:45 PM
I'd use construction adhesive.

Michael Moscicki
11-18-2015, 11:47 PM
The SPAX screws do say they are for use in wood, masonry, sheet metal, drywall, and plastic. They say in masonry/concrete, to pre-drill a hole at least a 1/4" longer than the length of the screw using a 1/8" diameter masonry drill bit.

Am I missing something or will I be asking to much of these to hold a clamp rack and some French cleats with holders for screwdrivers, chisels, measuring tools, etc.?

If it helps part of the rock wall has been covered with 2x4's and drywall. I could continue that and use plywood instead of drywall where I would attach the tools on French cleats.

John Lankers
11-19-2015, 12:10 AM
http://www.sawmillcreek.org/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxQSEhUUEhQUFBUUFBQVFBQUFBQUFBQUFBUWFxQUFB QYHCggGBolHBQUITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDQ0O FA8PFCwcFBwrLywsLCwtLCssLCwsLCwrLCwsLCwsNyssKyssKy wsLDcrNywsLCwrNyssNys3LCssK//AABEIAJ0BQQMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAEBAQADAQEAAAAAAAAAAAABAAIDBgcFBP/EAEIQAAICAQEDBwkEBwgDAAAAAAABAhEDIQQGMRJBUWFxgcEFB xMiMpGhsbIjJHPRNEJSYoKi8BRTY3KDkuHxFRYz/8QAGAEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEDBAL/xAAcEQEAAwEAAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQMxEQJBUTL/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AO0CgQkEhRIgEisQAURALASAkhJCAMSQ0AEhJICTJAjQESEUAE RARMUNAZIWSYEQ0AFRNk0QAwZoywIiJoAomJUAMBIAIhACKiA4 RQCBIaJEAogECoSEAFEhAkREApCAgAigYFRIhoCFEDAWSIqASJ CBmRUaZ13ejy 9nqGPkub1latRT4aXxfy7QOw0R8Tdfy7/AGiMozpZI6ulSlH9pL4PuPuUAEiICaMs0yYGSIgKgEgBAI0Bkh RNAFEVCB digFAKEEICREBUViSAUREBUJIQArI PvV5Y/smF5Ek5N8jHF/tvW31JJv3FiOzxJnj7K7CR4bt3lfNlm5znKUud20tOiK0R2rcn erIssMGaTlCb5MJS9qE/1VyueLdLXhoe5rmHiLIelIqArM2jVhRCADRFYEJFQH5vKm3RwY 5ZJcy0XPKT9mK7TyzbdolknKc9ZSbbfS34eFHo29OaEMEnOMZO 6xxkrXpGnT7lyn3HmUIO dgfp8mbXLDkjOGkovua4NPqaPVth2uGXHGcXpJX1p88X1o8jyx k N/E9N3a2mGTBFwjGDTqcYpRXLSVul0qn39QH1GjJpkwMskTBgFEh FKwBgIAREQATIQMkJAcCQ0SQgBoBoCKiNABFZAaKyACs1ZlCAt HSfOj/8cP4kvhD/AJO6o6P50pfZ4f8ANk mP5nuvXiz8vPtjlqzl8nzrNjfRkg/dJfkcGyPXvr5msDrIn0ST92p0TjB74 JAmJyOokDICECA0KAYgfM3iWL0E5Zo8qMVykrabnwiovmbbrvP LVd9PvPU94dlhkwy9JJxjD7TlLiuQn08dG1XWeWxyNPnq q/EDUrfV2X Z6duw8TwRliio37attqaVNNv8AqmjzPPmbelrtafxo9H3U2bHH ApYpSayU5cprSaVNUlp/0B9psyRAFELBgAghAgJkANkQAREACREBwGkAoBYxMoQFkgECKi ECTIgA0IJA2AnQvOo/VwLryP6Ed7bPPvOlP1sK/dm/fKK8DSvXizHQ9neq7UbupX/XOcWJ8O1G5e0 039MHv2F2k lJ 9WclH5PJeTlYcUv2sWN CZ s5HUmiRMEAhQoUAG0zIgfO8v7C82GUFJR1Urfs rrUq4Ln7jy1ZNeCa6dXfyPUN4cUp7PkjDi4681xTua74pnmONJ vVeAGsmXoS/214noO5 yejwKSnyllqdJaRdVJdvM w6JtWFQdUu6XK8Duu4kJehk37Dn6i6GlU xcPiB2MhZUAMGxAAIQsBTBiiaAANAwMkNEBEAgcDEyNgJEhQEK BCA0TBiBJFRWVAVkuBEBHm3nRl9tiXRhv35J/kek2eY c X3mP4MPryM0r1nZjpkDll7Xf4nDHwZyz9o3hlL27dqV7Js7/wMXwgkfUo NujK9iwfhpe5teB9hs5ZdEYWSAkRSIWQGgZWTYHy958rjsuVxb TaUbXMpSUZV3NnmmKCb1PSN7F90yfwP eJ5pbUJyWjjGUl2pWUfs2vZ4xqvids3AzNwyQfCLjJLocrT lHR82T1bt3S48NWr5zue4Wk8y6ofORB3GgYggJxBmrCQAAsAIL EAImQAIMWZYCRCB ckAgSNAhkAGrMiAoTIoBoiKgASICZ5d5zf0pfhY/nkPUGeXecx/ev9LH85Gles7MdOj4M5Zce7wOOC RyVonzcL66NmUvYtxZ3sWLqc17py/M7AdY83kr2SujLkXwi/E7Oc/lst4yEQCR6Q0CNEEhbM2KA XvR i5exfXE8xzL1M34eT5M9N3q/RcvZH64nmueOmVdMJpdriUceV/ZPX9ThXUd03Gl9tnX7qf87/ADOj5Z1id6epWvG3HROzuG42T7xk/exv6osg7y2FEKYAQWSAmBEwIGVkBICECZliiAzZG6ID8yYoyhA UJEBEZZpAaIkACyRCgJoibACkeWecl3tT6scF8L8T03bnP0c/R 3yJcjh7Verx04nl/lHyBtuZ8rJjyTk/wBaVOTrRWorRUug1r1nZ8dVxr5HIsz5KjzJt97peCPv4N0to/Ww5uD4Ql4oP/Udqv1cGSumUWvA27Ee2M9 O7ebeX3aa6MrfvhD8jtrOk7l Tdr2fJycsOTiknytYtKSXqvpT0rvO6nP5bLo8cQgmaPD0iJImA o0kZGwPk736bLk/h pHm RXJrp096O37249ry5JQxqbw1F1GEaloruVXfKvS1wOtf HzXrDKupQfZ0AcO3 TocmNqWqT1nkd6NJ6y6ND6 5OStqS6YSXuTfgcWXyLnklUc8qX920l1eyb2LdvbIS5UIZINcJ XGLXZYHowJn5/J8p ih6VVkr1 HFc mmtXoc4EisgAGaQNEAMiogJARATJkysAsSID8wmRAbNGRsCIiA 0QCApkiICIaABo5OWcbFFG0yujKkIDKTZkhAhAbIGwsCTA3YWB AcsMjQynfOcaIDUZD6RnGTYGjJWACVghaAGysgsBYFZARIkyQE zJpgAUREUfnIiRBoWCABECsDQ2ZbNASICKNkAsAJEKIErCIlCi smQFZIiIErIGULYgiAbGwREDYUVEgIiABBiQAAgwJIaCxABIyB MUyBgNEZsgP/Z

You were planning to use wall anchors in cinder block, concrete and rock? Screwing directly into 2x4's is ok as long as they are attached properly.

Rod Sheridan
11-19-2015, 9:04 AM
Hi Michael. in my shop the French cleat is on a concrete wall so I used Tapcon screws..........Regards, Rod.

Bradley Gray
11-19-2015, 9:08 AM
+1 for Tapcons. I have used them in block, brick poured concrete and stone.

Mike Heidrick
11-19-2015, 9:10 AM
+2 for tapcon

Stan Calow
11-19-2015, 9:44 AM
+3 for Tapcons. No failures yet.

Peter Quinn
11-19-2015, 10:24 AM
+4 for tapcons. Spax aren't nearly as agressive. Yes, follow the mnimum depth requirements, but I'd use tapcons, I've tried spax for masonry as they indicate but they just don't hold like tapcons. I watched a clamp rack fall off a wall and nearly take out a coworker last year.....I don't want to stand near several hundred pounds of steel suspended off a wall unless it really trust the anchors.

John TenEyck
11-19-2015, 10:26 AM
I've always used Tapcons, but if Spax says the screws can be used in masonary applications I would believe them. Regardless of which you use you need enough screws with sufficient penetration into the block to hold whatever you want to put on it. The thickness of a block varies from not very much to essentially infinity between the hollow sections and the webs. There must be guidelines somewhere showing what the holding power is of screws in the thin section of concrete blocks. Knowing that would allow you to figure out how many screws you need to put in the cleats.


Michael Moscicki
11-19-2015, 11:12 AM
Just got back from the borg and picked up a package of 3/16" diameter 2-1/4" long Tapcon concrete anchors. Performance values can be found here: http://www.homedepot.com/catalog/pdfImages/c0/c063f0ba-e028-42fd-9652-a519dfcf1198.pdf

It says that the 3/16" diameter is light duty. The pull-out and shear weight ratings are lower, but I think if I stick to the rock wall and avoid doing anything with the cinder block wall I should be fine.

Thanks again for the help. Now to figure out if that weight rating is per screw or not.

Peter Kelly
11-19-2015, 12:10 PM
Should be able to pick up these at either the Home Depot in Gowanus or the Hilti store down the street on 3rd Ave https://www.us.hilti.com/anchor-systems/plastic-anchors/336485
Would recommend #8 stainless square drive screws to go with them. No zinc chromate in below grade CMU walls. Will rust out instantly.

I personally cannot stand Tapcons.