View Full Version : Stools made from axe handles

Chris Fitzpatrick
11-16-2015, 4:25 PM
A few years back I saw a clip online of Brad Smith making stools in his shop from axe handles. It was great, very inspiring. He used a lot of jigs and creative thinking to carry out complicated joinery. Anyway I went looking for this clip recently, but no sign of it anywhere. Fine woodworking has an article by John Binzen called Brad Smith: Story of a stool. It is a video but not the one with Brad showing how he does things around his shop. I wanted to show the clip to some students for inspiration, anybody know of it's whereabouts?



Myk Rian
11-16-2015, 6:39 PM
Google. So simple.

Chris Fitzpatrick
11-17-2015, 1:02 PM
Nope that's not it, that's the one I knew about and mentioned in my post. I wish it were that simple.