View Full Version : Tried to stand and sharpen..

steven c newman
11-08-2015, 5:35 PM
But it seems as though the back and forth and slight lean forward made the back....unhappy....Ok, Sit for a day and a half, HOT heating pad on the lower back. NORCO5s to "mellow" the back out enough that I could walk more than 10' without an "OUCH!" Had a few toys..er...TOOLS to take down to the shop. I figured IF I took things slow and very easy, I could get down the steps to the shop. As long as I didn't lean over things for a better view, I would avoid the "OW!!!". With that in mind, I tried some layout, some saw cuts with the correct saw, and a few whacks on some chisels....Laid out some stuff close to where I would be working
The handles sticking up, are some of the chisels I'll will use, keeps them from rolling onto the floor if I stick them in the Dog holes. That router bit? Used that to layout the shaped, angles, and spacing of the pin boards. Stanley bevel gauge to continue the lines. A small square to carry the lines around. As for the "correct" saw?
Seems to be a later model disston No.4 with 9ppi filed rip. 14" long plate. I was taughtt that if I bought a saw, to use the entire length of the plate. made things cut faster. had a small candle, and rubbed a bit of wax on the plate right at the tooth line.
laid out all the pins, sawed the pins by splitting the lines. Chopped the pins was easy, I let gravity assist the mallet driving the chisels. Pin boards were are each end of this board
Then I used the pins to lay out the tails. Handplane was to clean things up a bit. Lines were sawn on the waste side, leaving the lines. The the chisels went to work again.
Keep getting knots in the wrong spots. Test fits, cuss fits, pare things a bit, test fits, cuss fits, pare a sliver more....until things would slide together..
Back was just starting to stiffen a bit. I did get a small start on a handle to carry this thing around with..
Have to someday( back willing) chop two mortises on the ends to house this handle, make a cutout for my fat fingers to fit through, and add the bottom. At this rate, I MIGHT be done about.....Turkey day??

Ok, back is stiffer than them pine boards, time to retreat back to the heating pad, and the NORCO5 bottle. Another hour or so, I will have the back ( and me) feeling Happy, happy.....

Jim Koepke
11-08-2015, 6:12 PM
Be careful Steve. Let the back rest for a while.

I will have to go back and look at the other post on this project again to see how to lay out the tails & pins.


Frederick Skelly
11-08-2015, 7:52 PM
Go easy Steve. Please don't get hurt again man. It's not worth it - really.

Brian Holcombe
11-08-2015, 8:21 PM
Take your time!

I went in for a hernia op. last year and I'm similarly impossible to keep still. You've never seen a woman as angry as my wife when she caught me pulling weeds in the garden on day 2 after the operation.

steven c newman
11-08-2015, 8:46 PM
Currently sitting with the heating pad, and a small pillow above it. Going to be here a while....

After that quad-4 a few years ago, the therapy people would yell at me all the time...instead of a walk around the block....I walk for a mile at a time...looking like the Old RSM with his arms a-swinging. They asked how far I had walked...then get mad because i was walking way too far ahead of their schedules...I just can't sitting very long at a time....rear-end goes numb, threatens "brain damage" that way...

Mike Cherry
11-08-2015, 10:14 PM
Yea Steven, I know it's tough but last thing you wanna do is get completely sidelined. Hang in there buddy!

Joe Beaulieu
11-09-2015, 3:07 AM
Steve, I literally share your pain. I have a similar back issue. I am very careful to sit, particularly while doing repetitive tasks like sharpening. If you are anything like me, you get immersed in what you are doing and then wham, your back is telling you it is not going to cooperate for a good while.

also - go light on the Norcos. That is a very slippery slope. Sounds like you have the correct perspective, but go slow.

I am am trying to figure out what you are making. Mind clueing me in?


steven c newman
11-09-2015, 12:05 PM
Making a tote to carry a few tools. It will be a Travel Tote. I pack up the tools I THINK I'll need when I go some place. Either to my Daughter's place, or my mom's place. Tote can carry a few full length tools, like saws. maybe a 2' level, things like that. I could even load up the mechanic's tools to work on the van, if need be.

My Late Father would always have a small metal tool box in the trunk of his car, just in case a need arose while out on the road. It had about everything he thought could be needed.

paul cottingham
11-09-2015, 1:26 PM
Seriously, Steve, take it easy. Rest will help the most. I can certainly relate to the aggravation of not being able to be active, but the healing will be much quicker.

don't be like my dad, who i caught mopping the deck a couple weeks after he got home from the hospital after having a diabetes related heart attack that damn near killed him "the doc said i couldnt vacuum or sweep. He didn't say anything about using a mop!"

I was a curious mixture of proud and frustrated after hearing that.

True story.

James Pallas
11-09-2015, 2:25 PM
Steven, I enjoy seeing the things you do, it is fun I know. I have a bit of experience with back problems. A spinal cord stimulator and meds allow me to do a little of what I could do before. I urge you to go easy when your back hurts. I finally have learned to stop at the first twinge. If it is getting through the electronics and the meds it can't be good. It is tough to stop for a while but a lot tougher to stop forever as I almost had to do.

steven c newman
11-09-2015, 4:56 PM
I'm doing things slowly, doing a bit, and resting a bit.....so far, so good, doing it that way.. Awaiting the new meds for the back, no electronics, yet, just a dose-pac of Steroids. I set up a sharpening "station" in the kitchen. Set up on the stove, since it was just the right height. Oil stones, sandpaper, MKI honing guide, bottle of "Air tool Oil" from 3in1. got about nine chisels done, then a long rest for the back
Hey, there is a gouge in there! Wandered down to the shop, trying to see IF any more chisels needed some work.....well, one thing led to another...
And a test fit occurred......The chisel i thought needed work?
Might need it later, after chopping two of these dados for the handle. Took another long break/rest.....tried out some wedges for when I glue this tote up..
Means I need to make a couple more....

Currently sitting in my chair, resting the back. When the pills arrive, I'll start them up. wood work will keep until tomorrow, I guess....

BTW: back has Spinal Stenosis Lumbar. Runs down the right leg. Also have it in the neck. Might be a touch of Uncle Arthur-itis?

Thinking one of these might come in handy, after awhile...
Just maybe?

steven c newman
11-10-2015, 11:28 AM
Never got to that Bottle...way to far to drive....

Woke up this morning, went looking for the glue bottle.....found THAT bottle....wasn't enough glue left in it to even try to use. Means a trip to buy another bottle of glue.

Plan is: Glue the four sides together today. Allow to cure. Once it comes out of the clamps, I can slide the bottom in, install the finished handle using a spot of glue and a few screws. There is also some handplane wotk to do. Top edges, dovetails, bottom edges all need to be gone over. The spots where the top of the handle stick up will be flushed with the ends.

Not sure WHAT to finish this thing with. Oh, and I will be looking for that Stout later....even if it is Killian's irish Stout......

steven c newman
11-10-2015, 6:40 PM
well, 90% of the chisel work is done, now have another pile to sharped up..
Mainly mortise chisels and a few I used for Dovetails...