View Full Version : First time turner looking for lathe recommendation

Terry D May
11-07-2015, 10:14 PM
I'm sure this question has been asked many times, but searching did not yield a lot of current information, and because tools and prices are always changing, I figured I'd ask again.
I'm looking to buy my first lathe. I'm thinking a midi lathe, with a preferred budget around $500, though I could go a little higher ($700 would be the max). I've looked at the offerings from Delta, Nova, Grizzly, Rikon. and Jet. I'd like to get something with variable speed, and reverse would be nice.

I've also found a local listing for a Rockwell model 46-111 for $250. Does anyone have any thoughts about this lathe for that price?

My passion is woodcarving, I see myself using the lathe only occasionally (tool handles, small turned pieces, and maybe turned legs for a small furniture piece). Who knows what the future holds, but right now I don't see myself turning bowls or other large diameter pieces.

I know the best answer is always 'Get the most you can afford'. But I have other tool wants/needs, and seeing that I am new to turning and will probably only use a lathe occasionally I want to try to stay close to my budget. Having said that, I want to get a quality tool, even if it is limited in capacity and features.

Thanks for any advice.

David Bassett
11-07-2015, 10:50 PM
Seems like this discussion goes on just about every time a lathe is on sale. ("Will I be satisfied with on sale XYZ model or should I save for the more expensive ABC model?") The correct answer really is personal.

That said, our local Woodcraft uses the Rikon 70-100, (or an older model of it,) in their classes and it is in your price range. I can confidently say it can do anything on your list, except maybe the legs. (How long a leg are you thinking of? I think they have a bed extension available that would help with that.) I found the belt changes to change speed, on that lathe, far less annoying than I imagined and something I could tolerate for occasion use. (Though I'm a huge fan of variable speed.)

I suggest keeping an eye on the major stores and watch for sales. (I notice Woodcraft has the Nova 1624-44 on sale right now. It's over your budget, but looks nice. If it doesn't suit, come back next month for something else.) Also remember tools & accessories can easily double, or more, your lathe costs. Certainly allow for a good sharpening setup.

Marvin Hasenak
11-07-2015, 11:27 PM
The Delta 46-111 is a good spindle lathe, not really a bowl lathe but bowls can be turned on it. Not sure about that 1/3HP motor, mine has a 1/2 HP. I have 2 of the 46-111, they do all I ask of them. People complain about having to change the belt to change speeds, I have not had that complaint, but I am old school, I have been turning since 1964. I think the $250 is kind of high, when I bought my second 46-111 with 4 old chisels, 2 tool rests and a 1/2HP motor I got it for $150. But lathes do not sell well in my area.

Since you are a carver, you know that the lathe is only part of the costs. You will need chisels, a way to sharpen them, a couple of chucks, preferably at least a 4 jaw and drill chuck, and live center for the tailstock. You can go first class and spend more than your allowance on those things. Or you can go to Penn State Industries and get the basics for about $200.

Me, I am spindle turner, I like the lathe, depending on the motor if I was in the market and they would come down to around $175 it would go home with me. I turn spindles and duck calls, the 2 Delta 46-111 have been good to me, real good to me. They use the 1-8TPI and 2MT attachments, so any accessories like chucks etc., will carry over to a lot of the other lathes. But I would want to see that motor before I went $175, if you want more motor you add another $125 to the cost.

Thom Sturgill
11-08-2015, 7:48 AM
Here's the issue as I see it. $500 will get a 'good' mini lathe - 10" throw , 16" bed, and 1/2hp motor max. Most are good for pen turning and not much else. They will do tool handles, but the short bed makes them problematic for table legs. Midis are larger throw (12") and larger motors (3/4hp or 1hp on most newer models) and a slightly longer bed (20" typical). I have seen people grab a turning on a midi (rikon 70-100) and stall the lathe.

Unfortunately, these lathes start at or near your max price. The Rikon 70-220VSR is about $650 and the Jet 1221VS is about $800. An older Jet 1220VS might fit the bill if you could find one used in good condition.

Alan Trout
11-08-2015, 9:57 AM
My suggestion is that you get one of the 12" Midi lathes with the variable speed. The Jet 12/21 is a good unit. It will cost you a little more but it will also get you started with a good quality machine that has good swing capability, small size, and enough power. Usually coming up this time of year you can find a sale on one of them. There are lots of wood carvers that turn and combine their passion and make incredible works of art. Also if you find you don't like turning the midi machines are very easy to sell.

Good Luck


Steve Arnold
11-08-2015, 11:08 AM
I'm brand new to this forum, but this is a question I can answer. I bought my Jet 1221VS about two months ago and have been totally pleased with it. It'll meet your requirements of having variable speeds with just a turn of a knob and will also run in reverse. I considered buying a less expensive lathe without the variable speed feature, but I'm really glad I splurged and got this one. It's so nice to be able to speed up the lathe as you're roughing out and finishing your turnings.

If you do decide on the Jet, later on you may want to invest in its dedicated stand which is well worth the money. It adds a lot of mass to the unit.

Adam Petersen
11-08-2015, 11:31 AM
$530 will get you a Nova Comet II with G3 chuck at Rockler right now. Variable speed, 12" throw, expandable bed later for longer spindle work. Use the left over to get some chisels and maybe a jaw or two for the G3. Nova makes good products. Not top of the line but good.

Terry D May
11-08-2015, 12:44 PM
I've looked very seriously at this one (Jet 1221VS). It's more than I'd like to spend but I'm sure I'd be happy with it. I've never regretted buying too much tool, but I think we've all bought cheaper (one time or another) only to regret it later. I'll consider this one, but it would be delaying the purchase for awhile.

Terry D May
11-08-2015, 12:49 PM
The Delta 46-111 is a good spindle lathe, not really a bowl lathe but bowls can be turned on it. Not sure about that 1/3HP motor, mine has a 1/2 HP...

I thought $250 sounded high, and it only has a 1/3 hp motor. I haven't found much else on the used market... everything seems to be more entry level. I have several second hand tools. You can sometimes get good tools for a bargain if you're lucky, and you know what to look for.

Aaron Craven
11-08-2015, 5:09 PM
I would throw out the ugly step-child here as an option as well... I know Harbor Freight is a bad word to many, but being a beginner, I say you can't beat the value with this unit:


I have it and a quality chuck (Teknatool Supernova2) and a few other accessories I've picked up over time. I don't recommend using this unit for outboard turning (even though it's possible) if that's something you want to do: one of the cons is that its lowest speed setting is around 500 RPM, and if you're going big enough to turn outboard (the over-the-bed throw on this lathe is 12"), that's probably far too fast.

It can't compare to some more expensive units, but it's cheap and completely adequate for learning on. It also shares a great deal in terms of design and parts with a Jet and a Grizzly lathe (can't remember which ones) to the point that some consider it a clone. Do a search for "34706 lathe review" and you'll get plenty of pros and cons.

Rob Price
11-08-2015, 8:21 PM
That Nova Rockler deal looks good- you're basically getting the chuck for free. I cut my teeth on a Delta 46-460 (which is now over $700 ?), but I got sucked into the vortex and bought a bigger lathe and sold the Delta.

You may want to scope out your local turning club and see if anyone is selling an old lathe.

Marvin Hasenak
11-08-2015, 11:01 PM
I have used that lathe from Harbor freight, it is a fairly decent lathe but the Delta 46-111 is better than the HF 34706. The advantage of the Delta over the newer non variable speed lathes is the belt changes take no time at all. Only problem is turning off the lathe to change the belt location, a belt change takes about 5 seconds because everything, both pulleys and the belt is exposed. With proper care I believe the Delta, already 40 years old, a 1970's issued lathe could still be running when it is a 100 years old. I have been retired since 2000, it is a rare day that my tools do not get some sort of workout. My Deltas make about 300 game calls a year, along with about the same number of bottle stoppers, pens, pencils, weed pots, small bowls, my custom screwdrivers, etc..

You want variable speed at the touch of a button and reverse, buy a $260 industrial sewing machine servo motor, and mount it on the lathe. You will be able to go from 0 to about 3000 RPM at the touch the dial, or stop it and flip the button to reverse. You lose a little torque at the low end of the speed range, but light cuts and sharp chisels overcome that.

I would throw out the ugly step-child here as an option as well... I know Harbor Freight is a bad word to many, but being a beginner, I say you can't beat the value with this unit:


I have it and a quality chuck (Teknatool Supernova2) and a few other accessories I've picked up over time. I don't recommend using this unit for outboard turning (even though it's possible) if that's something you want to do: one of the cons is that its lowest speed setting is around 500 RPM, and if you're going big enough to turn outboard (the over-the-bed throw on this lathe is 12"), that's probably far too fast.

It can't compare to some more expensive units, but it's cheap and completely adequate for learning on. It also shares a great deal in terms of design and parts with a Jet and a Grizzly lathe (can't remember which ones) to the point that some consider it a clone. Do a search for "34706 lathe review" and you'll get plenty of pros and cons.

Russell Neyman
11-09-2015, 1:22 AM
As the man from New Delhi said, "Where does one begin to tickle an elephant?"

Hilel Salomon
11-09-2015, 5:58 AM
I bought the Nova for my son and he seems to be quite happy with it. I would also caution you with the fact that many a turner started off with limited expectations and became addicted to turning. I think that a midi is the way to go, particularly at the price the Nova is at.

John Keeton
11-09-2015, 8:03 AM
I started out with the HF 34706 and for the uses you describe, it would do fine. One advantage is the length of the bed. My first turning project was a set of table legs, and it worked very well for that. You will probably upgrade at some point. If you buy the HF with a discount coupon and sell it for around $150-175, the cost of ownership is minimal.

cody michael
11-09-2015, 8:48 AM
i had the harbor freight one for 7 or 8 years? it did everything I needed it to, it is great for everything up to bigger bowls, smaller bowls and pens went well, large bowls 9-12 inches were very slow and higher speed then I would prefer. but for the value its great, buy it, get some decent tools, if you like turning save up and in a few years buy a very nice lathe. if you don't like turning you should be able to sell and have minimal loss, I think I sold mine for 125, probably could have good a little more.

terry mccammon
11-09-2015, 9:40 AM
Warning. I too was once a woodcarver. Then I got a lathe. A third hand used Nova 1624, a nice lathe and one that served me well. Too well. Now I have a Robust AB, have lots of money tied up in tooling, accessories, etc. And at the end of the day, now I am a woodturner who carves occasionally. Turn back before it is too late. :)

Thomas Canfield
11-09-2015, 9:17 PM
$530 will get you a Nova Comet II with G3 chuck at Rockler right now. Variable speed, 12" throw, expandable bed later for longer spindle work. Use the left over to get some chisels and maybe a jaw or two for the G3. Nova makes good products. Not top of the line but good.
I checked and there is $35 shipping additional, but this is a pretty good deal. I have the Nova Comet and find it to be adequate but with some limitations. I posted a review and showed some modifications to get a firmer mount and add to handwheel. I have not turned on the new Rikon, but did see one at SWAT and it has a lot of better features, more weight and power, but also more cost. The Comet is lighter and makes a good travel lathe. I use mine often instead of using my Powermatic The G3 chuck is also a good chuck to start.

George Rousis
11-10-2015, 5:57 PM
I started turning about 8 months ago after taking a beginner's bowl turning class at a nearby woodworking store. I bought the Jet 1221VS when it was on sale. I am very happy with it. It has it's limits, but I am really enjoying it. It's a good fit for my cramped basement shop. So far I've turned bowls up to about 10 inches in diameter (which is about as big as I can go), 4-5 12-inch tool handles, a bunch of bottle stoppers, and I just started turning some pens.

I did not buy the optional legs; I made my own stand. An extension bed is available. I would need it for a table leg or anything longer than 12 inches. I based my decision on using one at the class, and recommendations from other Creekers. Parts and service appear to be readily available if I need them. I have no experience with Jet customer service (yet).

Good luck and happy turning. It's a really fun hobby.