View Full Version : Neat Photo Effect

Lee DeRaud
08-30-2005, 1:27 PM
Was at a friend's wedding a couple months back, and the "official" wedding photographer took this picture of me in the audience taking a picture of the ceremony. (Original file is about 10MP, from a Canon 10D I think.)

Jim Becker
08-30-2005, 3:26 PM
Yes, it's a great photo. I like how the photographer took out most of the color over the photo (there are still some pink artifacts in the skin of some people) and left the full color in the view screen of your camera. This is a good example of using technology in a most interesting way!

Lee DeRaud
08-30-2005, 4:04 PM
Yes, it's a great photo. I like how the photographer took out most of the color over the photo (there are still some pink artifacts in the skin of some people) and left the full color in the view screen of your camera. This is a good example of using technology in a most interesting way!Yup, kind of a "Wizard of Oz" effect.

One scary part is that the full-resolution photo has about the same resolution in that tiny chunk of the photo as the actual viewfinder on the camera I'm holding.:eek:

Michael Perata
08-31-2005, 12:11 AM
Now you know what the back of your head looks like. :cool:

I invested in a Nikon DSLR and PhotoShop CS2 a couple of months ago.

Nikon (like most other camera manufacturers) allows you to take frames in the RAW format. It is amazing what you can do with all of the file information you could ever want. Up to 70MB files if you save in 16bit mode.

PhotoShop is an unbelieveable dark room.

Glenn Clabo
08-31-2005, 7:09 AM
PhotoShop is an unbelieveable dark room.

Understanding the "workflow" is difficult for most.

For those of you who haven't worked out your own here's a suggestion...not just for CS2 btw...PhotoShop Elements is also discussed. Tim Grey is Da Man...

Photoshop CS2 Workflow: The Digital Photographer's Guide (Paperback)
by Tim Grey (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=books&rank=relevancerank&field-author-exact=Tim%20%20Grey/002-9355746-2738423) "Digital photography is an interesting blending of art and technology..."

Michael Ballent
08-31-2005, 7:18 PM
I have actually done this using GIMP (freeware photoshop-like software) basically you create 2 layers color below and B/W on top. Then you erase the B/W part that you want to expose as color. Takes a bit of time to "stay between the lines" but its a pretty cool effect in the end. :D

You should see what it being pumped out of the 12 megapixel cameras... I think that they can could your nose hairs from 100 feet away. ;)

Lee DeRaud
08-31-2005, 7:53 PM
You should see what it being pumped out of the 12 megapixel cameras... I think that they can could your nose hairs from 100 feet away. ;)In that case, I guess I'm glad I had my back to the camera.:eek: