View Full Version : Filling a drill hole in ash

kevin nee
11-06-2015, 3:45 PM
Hello, I am building a step stool. I started screwing Phillips head screws into a pilot hole. One of the screws head stripped out. I was able to force it in but now it is unsightly. I want to fill in the deep counter sunk hole. What are my options? I was thinking about Bondo. Any suggestions?

Scott Brandstetter
11-06-2015, 4:37 PM
What about making wood putty from the same ash wood and filling the hole with it.

Stan Powers
11-06-2015, 4:44 PM
If you have a plug cutter, make a plug from a piece of scrap wood of the same type drill a hole and glue in the plug. After it dries, cut flush and sand.
If you are careful and match the grain direction it will just about disappear.

Alan Schwabacher
11-06-2015, 4:52 PM
The usual approach is to use a plug cut from the same species as the hole. Google "plug cutter" and focus on those that cut a slightly tapered plug. These are designed to go into a counterbored, rather than a countersunk hole, meaning that the screw head is recessed in a hole drilled with a larger bit, rather than a conical recess. The advantage of a plug cut with a plug cutter over a dowel that would fit, is that the plug shows side grain that better matches, particularly if you are careful to align it.

If you can remove the screw, counterbore, and reinstall a perhaps undamaged screw, a plug might be the way to go. If you can't get the damaged screw out and just want to cover it, Bondo or something would be fine if you plan to paint, but otherwise might stand out at least as much as a screw head. If you chisel out a small depression and glue in a matching bit of wood, then plane or sand smooth, you could hide it pretty well.

Yonak Hawkins
11-06-2015, 10:30 PM
I use Bondo to fill holes in ash all the time. They're still visible if you look for them but, if the Bondo is mixed correctly, it's a fairly good match.

lowell holmes
11-08-2015, 10:37 AM
I would drill it out and plug it with a dowel. I have a dowel plate and would make a dowel using an ash scrap.