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View Full Version : Recommendations for Small Laser to Engrave/Burn?

Matt Schrum
11-06-2015, 2:37 PM
I have a CNC machine with a trim router on it that I use quite a bit depending on the project at hand. I'd like to add a small laser to my set up so I can burn/engrave wood and possibly leather. I'm thinking mostly small logo work (like "signing" the bottom of my work, etc.) and not so much actually cutting anything. While CO2 lasers look slick and all, that's beyond my needs at the moment and there is no easy way to affix it to my CNC.

This is just for a hobby and not for production work-- and I was leaning towards a 1 to 2 watt IR laser based on my needs and budget. Does that sound reasonable to you or do you folks have any differing recommendations? Is there a certain wavelength that works best on woods? I've seen some recommendations for a blue laser, others for IR, etc.

This is my first foray into lasers, so all help is appreciated.


Bill George
11-06-2015, 7:28 PM
I have a CNC machine with a trim router on it that I use quite a bit depending on the project at hand. I'd like to add a small laser to my set up so I can burn/engrave wood and possibly leather. I'm thinking mostly small logo work (like "signing" the bottom of my work, etc.) and not so much actually cutting anything. While CO2 lasers look slick and all, that's beyond my needs at the moment and there is no easy way to affix it to my CNC.

This is just for a hobby and not for production work-- and I was leaning towards a 1 to 2 watt IR laser based on my needs and budget. Does that sound reasonable to you or do you folks have any differing recommendations? Is there a certain wavelength that works best on woods? I've seen some recommendations for a blue laser, others for IR, etc.

This is my first foray into lasers, so all help is appreciated.


Matt if you scroll down the page 4 or 5 posts you will more or less the same question asked. If fact its asked at least 10 times a month. Oh I see you want one of those laser diodes that are on eBay. I did a Google search and then it was discussed on here a few months back. I think the condensed version, yes it can be done but the results are disappointing, and some of those green or blue lasers are very hazardous to use.

Tony Lenkic
11-06-2015, 7:55 PM
Branding iron may be better option if only few images are in use.

Bert Kemp
11-06-2015, 11:19 PM
Matt find a you tube video of on of those 2 watt lasers trying to burn a piece of wood, I think you'll change your mind real quick. if all you want to do is a logo then like was suggested a branding iron would be a good alternative. Just google custom miniature branding Irons.