View Full Version : 3 New Rough Turned Bowls

Dok Yager
11-03-2015, 5:32 PM
Here are three rough turned bowls. One is a small walnut with an inside lip. One is Tazmanian Blackwood and the last one is a stepped Rainbow Poplar with a lipped edge. Any helpful comments on bottom finishing or any comments are welcome. The Tazmanian Blackwood and the Walnut just have a tenon on the bottom. Thanks!


David Walser
11-03-2015, 6:07 PM
Dok -- Those appear to be nice bowls. You'll have to post some pictures of the profile for us to give you much help on what kind of foot to turn. Or were how asking how to reverse chuck the bowls so you can turn the bottoms? If that's the question, there are several possibilities -- most dependent on the tools you have available. Probably the simplest is to mount a large disk of 3/4" mdf or cabinet grade plywood on your lathe using a face plate or screw chuck. Then, place the rim of your bowl against the disk and trap it using your tailstock. (You might want to cushion the disk with some of the anti-slip drawer liner material. It will help protect the surface of the bowls rim and make it easier to drive the bowl on the lathe.) With this method, you should be able to turn away the tenon and shape the foot, leaving only a small nub where the tailstock was. You'll need to take light cuts and be careful to not push the bowl off center, but it's very doable.


Dok Yager
11-06-2015, 7:58 PM
Thanks David. I have two jam chucks I made that use the anti-slip matting and they work well. All the bottoms are just tenon`s at the moment.