View Full Version : Simmons files received.

george wilson
11-03-2015, 8:26 AM
I just got some samples of Simmons flat 8" mill files from Tom King. I will test them as soon as I can. They look nice out of the box. Teeth are accurately cut. One thing I like right off is they are thicker than the EVER SHRINKING Nicholsons.

A report will follow. Thank you,Tom.

Stewie Simpson
11-03-2015, 8:33 AM
George. What country/s are the Simmons files manufactured from.

regards Stewie;

george wilson
11-03-2015, 8:56 AM
It takes a 10X loupe to make out "Honduras".

Ron Bontz
11-03-2015, 11:31 AM
Well they grow nice Mahogany, so maybe we'll get lucky. :)

Tony Shea
11-03-2015, 12:19 PM
These files are not easy to find available to the consumer locally or online. I'm not even sure where on earth to purchase Simmons red tang files. If someone could point me to a source to purchase these I would love to try a few out for myself instead of these dreaded Nicholson's that are everywhere.

Tom M King
11-03-2015, 2:59 PM
Horizon Forest Products, a supplier to floor finishers, keeps the 8" mill files in stock. That's where I first saw them, and the salesman said they were the only good files left any more. Floor finishers use them to sharpen hand scrapers for scraping corners. I can tell you they work like a charm for that.

Correct spelling is Simonds one "M" and a "d"

They can be found online at the two places where you can find everything else: Amazon and ebay.

I've yet to try a saw sharpening file from them, as I am well stocked with old stock.

george wilson
11-03-2015, 4:40 PM
Sorry about the spelling!:)

Tom M King
11-03-2015, 4:53 PM
I just thought it would make it easier for people to do internet searches with the correct spelling.

george wilson
11-03-2015, 7:02 PM
Can't spell when I'm tired.

Jim Koepke
11-03-2015, 7:31 PM
Can't spell when I'm tired.

I can't spell when I am wide awake. Thank goodness for spell check and electronic dictionaries.
