View Full Version : Cement Glue/Epoxy/Other What is best on spruce/construction grade lumber

Rahul Srivastava
10-28-2015, 11:12 PM

I have to glue t-nuts into a spruce table top. The T-nut will receive a bolt from the table legs. I was wondering what is the best adhesive to use so that the T-Nuts do not move out of place if I over tighten the bolts?


Jerry Miner
10-28-2015, 11:23 PM
Couple drops of epoxy should do it

Mike Schuch
10-29-2015, 12:32 AM
A good epoxy is the way I would go too.

Doug Garson
10-29-2015, 1:25 AM
Wouldn't these be a better solution? http://www.leevalley.com/en/Hardware/page.aspx?p=41854&cat=3,41306,41309&ap=1. If they are too bulky how about a threaded insert like item c? http://www.leevalley.com/en/hardware/page.aspx?p=44203&cat=3,43576,61994,44203 Neither rely on glue to hold them in place. T nuts are designed to be installed so when you tighten the bolt you pull the nut into the wood.

Jerry Miner
10-29-2015, 2:50 AM
Good catch, Doug! T-nuts are designed to be inserted into the opposite side of the piece from the bolt. Not into the bottom of a table top, with legs inserted into the same side.

Plate hardware as Doug linked to, or threaded inserts would be a better choice.