View Full Version : table top

derek turner
10-28-2015, 4:54 PM
H i folks
Hope this is the write place for my question
Here go's I have a table that started live with dark walnut laqured finish,however this was badly scratched some of the scratches were wide and deep
so thought the only way forwards was sand the top smooth so thats what i have done.
Now a problem has appeared the wood had been filled with some sort of filler that does not obsorb wood stain or wood dye it is quite light in colour and i need it to be dark walnut colour,
for any help of how fix this problem i would be very greatfull and thanks in advance
thanks Derek Turner

Scott Holmes
10-29-2015, 3:44 PM
Pictures would help.

Most likely the piece was filled then colored with a toner (lacquer with color added) This is a spray technique and you will not be able to easily "fix" this with a pigment stain. A dye may color the filler, it may not.