View Full Version : DeWalt MBF RAS dimensions

Paul Schaefer
10-20-2015, 12:25 AM
I need to figure out whether I can fit an MBF without the table in the back of a 2010 Subaru Forester. Can anyone who has one give me the width and depth of the MBF's metal base, and the height when the arm is cranked all the way down? If the base is less than about 30" wide, I can put it in sideways and not have to worry about the additional protrusion of the arm.

For that matter, maybe there's someone out there who's already moved an MBF in the back of a Subaru Forester?

James Williams 007
10-20-2015, 12:38 AM
The base of my GWI is 34x26 and I know the MBF is smaller. I don't know if that helps.

John Lanciani
10-20-2015, 6:48 AM
Legs or no legs? With no legs and the table off you could fit about four of them in a forrester, the MBF is a very small saw. I moved mine in my Element without even folding up the rear seats.

Paul Schaefer
10-20-2015, 8:39 AM
No legs, no table, but I can't fold down both back seats. One of my kids will be with me, and he's still in a car seat. Still, it sounds like I'll be good. In the pics I've seen of GWIs, the base looks WIIIIIIDE...but if that's only 34", then the MBF is going to be plenty narrow to fit in sideways. Still probably too large for the Prius, though.....

lawrence dosson
10-20-2015, 10:34 AM
MBF base 21.1/2 deep X 18 wide
arm above base 23 inches with the 8 inch blade on and touching the table depth adjusting crank is above that
looks like it would lower about 3-4 inches
arm sticks out 31 inches from rear of base at 90
factory table is 32 or so wide

Paul Schaefer
10-20-2015, 1:46 PM
Wow, that IS small. Plenty of room in the back of the Forester. Might even be able to fit in the Prius, but I'd hate to get there and find it didn't fit! Thanks, Lawrence.

John Densmore
10-20-2015, 3:10 PM
I moved on in a jetta trunk. I removed the upright turret from the base. Both were able to lay flat in the trunk. The trunk was also loaded down with suitcases and a stroller. Bring a few wrenches and you shouldn't have a problem.

Jim Davenport
10-24-2015, 11:02 AM
I moved mine in a Jeep Liberty, with plenty of room to spare.