View Full Version : A little somethin' to "TURN" a smile....

Roger Chandler
10-14-2015, 5:04 PM
I was contacted by email a couple of days ago and by phone today by the owner of a gallery that opened up early in 2015 near a 4 seasons resort.....[golf, skiing, etc] and he had seem some turnings, and checked out my website, and wants me to put some items in his gallery........with a pretty favorable commission rate for me. ;)

He said that he gets a good bit of traffic from that resort and other tourists as well, a good bit of them from the Northern Va. & Washington, DC area, and his gallery is also a stop on the Artisans Trail Network for his area of Virginia. He has invited me to bring some items in the next few days, and I hope to be able to make a number of things to build the inventory for the upcoming holidays in the next few weeks.

Now, to just find the time to get 'er done! Thought I would share this with my turning family ...Wish me luck! :)

Tony De Masi
10-14-2015, 5:22 PM
Good luck Roger. Although the gallery area was not kind to me I certainly hope it works well for you.

lynn cranmer
10-14-2015, 5:41 PM
Sounds like a good deal esp with a favorable commission rate. Congratulations. Lynn

Mark Greenbaum
10-14-2015, 8:47 PM
You will do great. I am sure of it.

Roland Martin
10-15-2015, 8:15 AM
Best of luck, Roger!! Why are you reading this, you've got a bunch of turning to do:D

Roger Chandler
10-15-2015, 12:14 PM
Best of luck, Roger!! Why are you reading this, you've got a bunch of turning to do:D

You might have a point Roland! :D Good to hear from you!

Tony, Lynn and Mark.......thanks for the encouragement!

Peter Fabricius
10-15-2015, 12:28 PM
Nice to hear there is interest in your work! What items are you making for this venue?
When you have a few ready I hope you will share pictures with us.
Peter F.

Roger Chandler
10-15-2015, 12:40 PM
Nice to hear there is interest in your work! What items are you making for this venue?
When you have a few ready I hope you will share pictures with us.
Peter F.

There will be some vases, bowls, ornaments, boxes, and when I can get to them maybe some peppermills. I will probably put a couple of hollow forms there as well. I have some things I will transfer from another gallery to get me started, but I made a new walnut bowl, a box and 3 pens in the last couple of days.

I don't post a lot of items anymore......just seems redundant, but I might post a pic of the setup at the gallery, once it is in place.

hu lowery
10-15-2015, 3:55 PM
There will be some vases, bowls, ornaments, boxes, and when I can get to them maybe some peppermills. I will probably put a couple of hollow forms there as well. I have some things I will transfer from another gallery to get me started, but I made a new walnut bowl, a box and 3 pens in the last couple of days.

I don't post a lot of items anymore......just seems redundant, but I might post a pic of the setup at the gallery, once it is in place.


I have to think that the gallery owner thinks your stuff will sell there, otherwise they wouldn't have chased you down and solicited your work. Seems like a great opportunity especially with a favorable commission. Standard around here is that the art gallery wants fifty percent or more! By the time you make a little and the gallery makes a little the price is in the stratosphere. Galleries aren't high volume businesses but have pretty much all of the same expenses as a high volume business so I do understand them being pricey and needing to make a good bit per unit sold. Some friends have found their paintings marked up four or five hundred times without them being aware of it which didn't make them none too happy though!

Being on the artisan trail seems like your work will fit and maybe fit towards the higher end of what they sell. Hopefully a win/win for you and the gallery. That leads to long term relationships.



Curtis Myers
10-15-2015, 4:44 PM
You have very nice turnings on your web site.

Roger Chandler
10-15-2015, 5:42 PM

I have to think that the gallery owner thinks your stuff will sell there, otherwise they wouldn't have chased you down and solicited your work. Seems like a great opportunity especially with a favorable commission. Standard around here is that the art gallery wants fifty percent or more! By the time you make a little and the gallery makes a little the price is in the stratosphere. Galleries aren't high volume businesses but have pretty much all of the same expenses as a high volume business so I do understand them being pricey and needing to make a good bit per unit sold. Some friends have found their paintings marked up four or five hundred times without them being aware of it which didn't make them none too happy though!

Being on the artisan trail seems like your work will fit and maybe fit towards the higher end of what they sell. Hopefully a win/win for you and the gallery. That leads to long term relationships.


I just hope it works out well for me Hu. The Artisan Trail Inniative by the State of Virginia has really brought the work of artisans and artists out of the background here in the Commonwealth. Of course, being juried by the Artisans Center of Virginia was a difficult thing, but it opens doors and saves me time as in many instances, because my work passed muster in the State organization, then I do not have to be juried in every single gallery. They look at my website and see my status with the ACV, and it helps open doors.

Roger Chandler
10-15-2015, 5:44 PM
You have very nice turnings on your web site.

Thank you much, Curtis.......I appreciate that! I do not have a lot of my work I have done on it, but it is a sampling of some of my things.

Roger Chandler
10-17-2015, 7:41 PM
I got about 15 items taken to the new gallery today. The lady [part owner] said she likes to distribute the items in and among all the displays in the gallery so as to draw people to all areas of the gallery.......she believes it helps to move customer traffic to see all the displays, so there is not a single display of my items, but they did post a pic of some of them on their facebook page earlier this afternoon.

There is a link to The Little Shop,Mt.Jackson- An Artisan Boutique on my website under the interesting links page, for anyone who wants to view it.

A quaint and unique gallery!

charlie knighton
10-17-2015, 7:53 PM
good luck Roger.....had high school reunion....some classmates were looking at my stuff.....mesquite bowl......"its got a hole in it" go figure